Twelve : The Freaks

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Ventus sighs and finishes tugging on her mission suit, a mildly uncomfortable thing that was meant to enhance each of their abilities in some way, but really that was just an excuse to cover up why they were so goddamn ugly. Hers was the blue of an unpolluted sky that changed shades depending on where she was flying. Feathers dusted the shoulders, as though they would help her fly and not just get in the way. It was taking all she had not to pluck off each and every one as she dressed.

Rem was already waiting for her and Mufasa by the time she left her room and met in the designated meeting space, tugging at their own suit in an aggravated manner. Their bright red hair was pulled back in a hastily made ponytail, just making the dusting of freckles across their nose stand out even more than usual. It was almost hard to believe that someone that appeared so innocent at first glance would be the holder of death, but sometimes it was easier not to question it.

"So we have two members of the party here. Where's our little kitty cat?" Rem drawls, curling their gloved hand around the handle of the scythe leaning against the wall and slinging it over their shoulder. Ventus can't help but flinch a little when the blade of it slid right into Rem's shoulder without problem, but they never seem to notice. It had to be something about not being completely human like the rest of them, Ventus could only guess.

"Dunno, we'll just have to hope Levi get him ready in time so we can go," she responds, checking back over her shoulder as if Mufasa just suddenly appeared out of thin air while they spoke. Weirder things had happened in the Ring, who was to say that apparition wasn't possible too?

Rem just sighs and stares up at the tunnel that would take them to the surface. They'd only been out a couple of times since they were first brought in, and each opportunity to escape for a little while was absolutely welcome. They couldn't even remember the last time they'd been allowed out after that one incident that no one wanted to talk about anymore. Was it really their fault that the new recruit had been asking for a scythe to the chest? Besides, her time was coming anyway and no one made fun of Levi without some sort of repercussion. Even if that just got Rem into more trouble than it had been worth.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the patter of claws on the floor catches Ventus's attention and puts a little smile on her face. She was in no way big enough to counter the happy pounce that Mufasa provides, but she takes it anyhow and tries not to fight it when she almost falls to the floor. "Yay for levitation," she jokes with a laugh, pushing the neko off of her. "You really coulda hurt someone else, Fasa. But you didn't so that's okay." Was it really so bad that she liked babying the kid? He was so sweet once he got to know anyone. It was literally impossible not to love him for some reason or another.

Even Rem couldn't hold back a little smile. "Okay guys, we really gotta go. Time is precious." It was more than true, really, considering they were currently watching the seconds and minutes tick by that both other elementals had. It was one of the few good parts about having this power; at least they knew when everyone else was going to leave that realm and their job would be a little closer to being completed. It was weird though. Levi didn't have the little numbers hanging over their head, and Rem didn't have any either when they looked into a mirror. Maybe they really were immortal like the others said. After all, you couldn't exactly kill death or destroy the idea of life. It was probably why all weapons just passed right through the both of them when they were training. It was a good thing to have, but Rem would've given just about anything to feel mortal again. Even a little pain would've been appreciated at this point.

"Fine, let's go then. Might as well get it over with before something comes up and we can't go." Ventus sighs, floating up to the tunnel and opening up the little door that kept it closed off to everyone else. Maybe that was the upside of having powers over air- being able to reach places that no one else could despite her vertical challenge. "Plus, we can't have Kannie poofing in with a cloud of smoke and telling us that we can't go because of some reason or another. So we're off." She presses a few buttons up near the opening the making sure to move out of the way. A kind of vacuum started pulling the other two into the tunnel. "Guys, come on. I'll follow after you to close this up, just get out there." She practically has to yell over the sound coming from the tunnel, which was still having trouble getting them to the surface just because they were standing too far away.

It was honestly amazing what a step alone could do. After Rem decides to take that leap of faith, they were sent up to the surface in an instant and deposited into the lonely desert. Was it always so hot up there, or was it just their imagination? Eh, it didn't really matter. They'd be out of there in no time with Vents there to help. Now to figure out just where in the world they were supposed to look for this living creature thing that Tony seemed so afraid of....

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