Twenty : Rayne

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I've been here all of a day, and already fingers are being pointed at me. Apparently it's my fault that Mufasa is gone, that Blitz and Doku are acting weirder than usual and Kannie is freaking out for the first time in forever. It's all my goddamn fault that Rem got injured, that everyone is miserable. Go ahead, dear reader, say it. I've ruined all these people's lives just for existing. It's not like I asked to come here, I was more or less kidnapped by that Tony guy who-knows-how-long-ago.

But of course, since I'm the new guy, the fresh fish on the menu, everyone can easily point fingers right in my face and say that everything that's gone wrong is all because of me. It's really not fun, believe me. All I want is to go back to my old safebase, no matter how crumby and horrible it really was. At least there I wasn't blamed for all the hardships everyone faced, even if people did give me weird looks every now and again. I'm honestly beginning to hate it here, even if it is supposed to be some sort of freakish paradise.

I don't see where Doku's gone off to, nor do I really care in the least. Sure, he's one of the few people that's actually held a conversation with me, but I have a bad feeling that it was just out of pity, as though he knew what was to eventually come along. He probably never wanted to be my friend in the first place.

Maybe I shouldn't care so much about what everyone here thinks about me, but I do. It's just that I've never really been around so many people my own age before, and I was starting to like it. Then all the fiascos happened, fish fingers were pointed, and here I am, stuck in the tarter sauce. Sorry, too many fish puns? I'll stop.

Bad puns aside, it's slightly miserable here right now, so much so that I'm not even sure why I'm continuously describing it like an awkward little nub. I think you get the point by now, since I've broken the fourth wall enough times to get it across. But anyway, I'm ready to leave. I'm pretty sure that a big chunk of the others are ready to give up completely, all because of a little mistake of a mission that happened on Kannie's behalf. So really, if anyone should be blamed, it's her. But of course, no one is about to blame their "fearless leader" for anything. Whoop de doo, we all make mistakes, let her take the blame for at least one of them. Please, I'm floundering over here. I really need to stop with the puns, don't I? Sorry for the tenth time.

According to Tony, the living creature that decided to maim one of the most powerful people here is still sticking around, and if anything, its gotten closer. Great, because we all need something else to worry about. Just something else to be blamed on, honest to gods. Yes everyone, I totally summoned some weird creature that no one can identify and Rem apparently can not kill to save our lives. I'm seriously that devious and intelligent, geez.

Maybe that's the thing though. Just because the creature has a heat signature doesn't mean that it's necessarily alive, so maybe that's why our dear little killer angel couldn't destroy it with one flick of a scythe. It must not have had a soul for them to swipe, or else we wouldn't all be sitting here panicking. But someone had to come up with that conclusion in this whole mess of a situation...right? I can't be the only one here with a brain that isn't artificially enhanced. Or maybe I am and I'm in for a world of disappointment. Who knows?

I feel like I've gotten insanely off topic here, not that there ever was a real one. All I'm suggesting is that someone actually take a good look at our mystery creature and see if Mufasa is with it. I mean, he seems like the obvious choice to go after it and such, so perhaps that's where he's gone off to. It's worth a shot, right? It's not like we have any other leads, but of course no one is about to listen to the guy that keeps making puns about himself being Aquaman and such. Why am I even trying now? Maybe I'll say something if someone will actually listen for once. Now that would be absolutely wonderful.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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