Chapter 15: Finishing The Job

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Etho knocked on the old wooden door and waited a few seconds before entering the room. It had been a while since he'd been in there, but it was exactly how he remembered it.

"I take it the jobs been done" RB states, obviously noticing Etho's ever so slight limp and grimace.

Etho tried so hard to hide it. He wasn't ashamed, no, but RB would be ever so disappointed, like that mattered anymore.

"Yes, it has been done."

"Great! why don't you take a break, your dorm room is set up waiting for you, Nebris' body should be here shortly, if you wanted to, you know, say your final goodbyes."

Etho nods, heading out of the small room and down the hall to his room, the one he barely went to.

It was exactly how he had left it last, though maybe a little neater.

He sat down on the bed and checked the time on his watch. All he had to do now was wait, and he's usually a patient person, but, this was excruciating.

There was a soft knock on the door, and Etho was a little surprised.

"Come in"

A person he instantly recognized entered the room. Her dark brown hair drawn back in a pony tail and her blue eyes furious and watery. Etho was instantly pinned to the bed, a knife pressed against his throat.

"Whoa! whoa!" Etho shouted "what the hell!"

"You murdered my brother." Hannah growls, pushing the knife a little harder against his neck.

"Wait... I thought you didn't now about him"

"Of course I fucken knew! He's my brother. I know what that asshole RB has done."

Etho just stared at her, unable to comprehend.

"Now, you'll get what's coming to you just like that fucker RB will." Hannah says, pressing the knife against his neck even harder.

"He's not dead!" Etho half shouts, not wanting to be over heard.

"What?" Hannah asks, pulling back the knife, revealing a small scarlet line.

"He's merely out cold. I.... I couldn't kill him Hannah, I couldn't kill the man I love."

Hannah just stared at him, Etho still pinned beneath him.

"I fell in love with him, like a dumb ass, and I couldn't do it. I told him everything. Then we found out about RB and the terrible things she's done and that's when we came up with a plan. Nebris is bound to be waking up soon. we have to get to him before RB does."

"Your insane" Hannah mutters, getting off of Etho. "lets go, I know where they have him. He should have just arrived."

The two head out of the small room and down a bunch of hallways. They eventually come to a door, where two guards are stationed. The guards nod at the two, granting them entrance. Hannah closes the door behind them, standing watch.

Etho walks over to Nebris, sadness tugging at his heart, even though he knew he wasn't actually dead. He grabs Nebris' hand, intertwining their fingers together. It hurt to see him like this, but he knew soon enough that he'd be ok.

Nebris suddenly started gasping, taking short, rough, breaths. Etho moved so Nebris could see him.

"Deep breaths, Nebs, deep breaths." Etho said calmly, helping Nebris sit up and rubbing his back.

Nebris' breathing eventually evened out, allowing him to think clearly again. Hannah was hugging him the second he was ok. Nebris looked so confused.

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