Chapter 10: A Haunting Dream (Mature Content)

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Etho awoke to an unfamiliar room. It wasn't his, but Nebris'. Nebris was laying curled against Etho's side.

Etho had to admit how right this felt. It had only been a week, but Etho had fallen for Nebris and there really wasn't much else he could say. But, Nebris had also fallen for Etho. it hadn't taken long at all. The two were drawn together like magnets.

Etho was still stuck with a decision though. He still had a job to complete.

Etho decided to take the day off from everything and just relax, let his stressed mind and frayed nerves take a breather.

Etho carefully moved closer to Nebris, wrapping his arms around the muscular mans waist, slipping his hands under his shirt, craving skin on skin contact.

Nebris made Etho feel so happy, so safe.

Etho feel back asleep quickly, falling into a fit full sleep, caused by a nightmare.

Etho held Seth's hand, guiding him through the small house and into the bedroom.

Etho made quick work of starting a kiss, a deep passionate one. One Seth returned eagerly.

Etho broke the kiss for mer seconds, lifting Seth's shirt off of him and tossing it aside and continuing the kiss.

Seth had made it quiet painfully obvious how much he wanted Etho to take him, to make love to him.

Etho quickly took care of his own clothes and the rest if Seth's. Then he pushed Seth onto the bed, grabbing the small bottle of lube and spreading it on his hardening dick. He positioned himself at Seth's hole, pushing in gently, loving the way Seth squirmed beneath him, moans escaping his lips.

He made quick work of getting going, moving at a fast, rough pace, taking Seth's hardened dick into his hands, stroking it teasingly.

Seth came with a load moan of Etho's name. Etho gave one last rough thrust, hitting the sweet spot, and came inside Seth, filling him.

Etho pulled out, leaving Seth whimpering from the empty feeling. Seth had almost instantly fallen asleep, leaving Etho to do his job.

He grabbed the small black leather case, unlatching it and grabbing a small bottle, the one farthest to the left. It was the quickest acting poison, one that would make it less painful and less drown out.

He quickly screwed the bottle in place, putting the sterilized needle to his neck and taking a deep breath. He quickly pushed the needle in, squeezing the trigger, watching the dark purple liquid drain from the small bottle until it was all gone.

He quickly packed up the device, hearing Seth's breathing already slowing.

He quickly dressed and left, looking back once, seeing Seth's chest no longer rising and falling.

Etho awake in a cold sweet, his heart racing and he was painfully hard. He took deep breathes, attempting to get his breathing under control.

Nebris was still sound asleep beside him.

Etho reached under the elastic of his pajama pants, starting to pump his hand on his dick, trying to relieve himself.

A pair of soft lips were suddenly on his, kissing him. Nebris' hands grabbed Etho wrists gently, making him release his dick. Nebris' soft hands started stroking his dick teasingly, rubbing his finger across the tip.

"Let me" Kiss "take care of" kiss "that" Nebris says, kissing Etho every so often.

Etho made a small whining noise, tilting his head, encouraging Nebris, letting him tease him, letting him push him to the very edge.

Etho never would have seen himself doing this, letting himself be at the mercy of anyone, but, here he was, and Nebris was taking the lead, teasing him, making him beg and want more.

By the time Etho came, there was sweat beaded on his forehead and he was panting, the long drawn out ecstasy still coursing through him.

He started feeling tired and lays his head on Nebris' chest, letting the rise and fall soothe him back into a peaceful sleep.

When Etho woke up, Nebris wasn't beside him anymore, but sitting on the floor by a closet, a few pictures on the ground, one in his hand, tears in his purple eyes.

This worried Etho. It really, really worried him.

Etho quickly got up, heading over to Nebris and hugging him, holding him close.

"Nebsy... are.. are you ok?" Etho asks worriedly

"I miss him so much Etho!" Nebris sobs, collapsing on Etho.

All Etho could do was hold Nebris close, stroking his hair. 'I miss him too Nebsy, I miss him too' Etho though to himself, trying not to cry.

"Do... do you need to talk about it?" Etho eventually asks

Nebris nods "Seth left two years ago.... I loved him, Etho, I loved him so, so much...." Nebris sobs "he left to go to some city out in the west.... some bastard killed him. They took him from me Etho and I never got to get revenge"

Etho felt like he'd been stabbed in the heart. To think he was that bastard that killed Seth. It pained Etho so much.

"I'm... I'm sorry Nebris" Etho mumbles, brining Nebris closer. "I'm so so sorry"

Etho couldn't tell Nebris that he'd killed Seth. He couldn't bring himself to.

All Etho could really do was hold Nebris close, and hope to god they'd make it through this.

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