Little White Chapel

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Oh, Eleanor...

How I wish I had your hand in mine!

Her eyes are dew-drops of early-morn

Whose reflected hues and shades declare

The elusive sublimity of

Rich chestnut, fertile earth, Autumn air.

Her cheeks, so supple and full, unpainted,

Yet still such brilliance they sport!

Surpassing the cold gleam of diamond

With Eos' gift of blushing quartz.

Her brow, gentle and unsnarled by woe,

And whose beauty would surely dethrone

Any sculptor whose vanity hopes

To trap such beauty in callous stone.

Her hair, a waterfall, flowing down

In coursing streams that downwardly wend.

Onyx-black, and so deeply hued that

Darkness itself cannot contend.

Her mouth, curling imperceptibly

At the nebulous edge of a smile,

Whispering at words yet unspoken

By craft, cunning, cleverness, wit or guile.

Oh, Eleanor...

No Eleanor.

This girl shakes like a sheet!

Her head can't catch up with her mouth!

Even now she babbles, fumbling words,

Crying like a stuttering whore!

This waif

Is not my dear Eleanor.

I can't fathom how she put me under

The wicked grip of witchy glamour

But the vile artifice is no more;

Her devilish visage lies shattered!

Beneath the ever-falling deluge,

I slip into the shadow once more,

Waiting for the next passing maiden,

Desp'rate to find my sweet Eleanor.

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