1: Results

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Jen's POV
"Miss. Lawrence the results are back and they came back positive," the doctor says. Everything could come crashing down or it could be building higher.

"Thanks," I say and hang up. I solemnly walk back to the family room and flip down on the couch. I'm still in shock waiting for someone to tell me that that didn't just happen. 

"Jen you okay?" Taylor(S) asks.

"Um I don't know," I said.

"What did they say?" Taylor(S) says.

"Positive," I whisper.

"What?" She says.

"Positive," I repeat louder.

"Oh ok," she says.

"What do I do, Your parents or Austin are gonna get Taylor and I'm gonna be the lonely promise breaker," I say.

"No you won't, and what do you mean by lonely promise breaker," she says.

"Mine and Taylor's. I promised her that I would never leave her," I say.

"Oh. I told Austin that he can't take her. You've been with her through the hard times. He met her about a month ago when things were getting better. You deserve to keep her," Taylor(S) says being completely honest.

"You really think that?" I say.

"Yeah, I do, why wouldn't I?" Taylor(S) answers.

"Your parents they didn't like me because I dropped out of high school, I can be competely crazy, I'm not very mature, I can be rude and curse words slip out of my mouth easily. Austin only cares because I legally have his daughter and I am his daughter's parent," I say freaking out. Taylor(L) had left with Pippi outside again.

"Jen, Jen, calm down. Taylor isn't going anywhere, she is going to stay and go on tour and to set with you, because you are her mom," Taylor(S) says, it really calmed me down. She wrapped me in a long hug. 

After I stopped worrying about everything, we decided to join Taylor on the trampoline.


"Hello?" I said answer my phone while I was trying to put Taylor to bed.

"Hey Jen it's Austin, I got the call, when can we talk this out. I'd like full legal custody of Brooklyn," Austin says. Ok to him now I'm Ms. Lawrence.

"Why? I have full custody and she's my daughter, Taylor," I say in to the phone, Taylor looks at me. I move the phone away from my mouth.

"Did you brush you teeth?" I say quietly so the phone won't pick that sound up. She nods and gets down from the stool.

"Jen, I don't want you to have custody over my daughter," Austin shot back.

"Well, I don't want you to have a restraining order over me and MY daughter," I shoot back.

"You know what I'm calling the court, we are figuring this out," Austin yelled and hung up. I knew he flew back to Nashville today but he shouldn't have to be so mean. I'll have to talk to Taylor(S) or Josh real soon.

Probably will be Josh.

"Taylor come'n lets go to sleep," I say. She must be somewhere up here. I walk to the guest bed, nope, other guest bed, nope, my room, ding-ding-ding.

"Taylor," I whisper, she doesn't answer. I walk closer and she's asleep. I carefully lift her out of the bed. Carry her to her bed and tuck her in.

"I love you, Taylor forever and always," I say and kiss her forehead. Then I walk over to the dresser and turn on Never Grow Up. I'm about to close the door when I hear in a sleepy voice, "I love you Mommy, forever and Always." I smile and say goodnight and I love you too before shutting the door.

I'm laying in bed thinking. I decided on calling Josh so I press on his name in my favorites.

"Hello?" He said.

"Josh, Josh. Oh god Josh," I say once he answers.

"What Jen? What happen?" He says.

"Austin he's Taylor's biological father and is gonna take her from me" I say and start sobbing.

"Jen I'll see you in 10," I hear the car door shut and the engine turn on, the garage door open and he's on his way here.

He lets himself in, because I might of given him a key.

"Jen is Taylor sleeping," he whispers loudly.

"Yeah, I'm in my room, hold on I'll come down," I say and join him in the family room. He sits on the couch and I join him.

"Jen start from the beginning, tell me what happened, including everything," Josh commands. I willing tell him everything, starting from when I met Austin, his story, today. Feelings, actions, tones of voices, everything.

"Jen, listen to me. You are going to keep Taylor, Liam, Liz, Sam, Jena, Lenny, Woody, Francis, Ben, Blaine, your parents, Willow, me, your families will not let you let go, nor will we let Taylor slip through the net of our protection," Josh says being his wise self, even though I don't believe him fully but I want to so bad.

"Ok," I say.

"Ok," he says and protectively wraps his arm around me. We lay there for some time, in silence, before I speak.

"Want to stay in the guest room?" I ask.

"Sure, goodnight Jen," he says when we part ways at the top of the stairs.

"Night Josh," I say and shut my door.


Here we go again, here's the sequel start.

How do you think Taylor will react?

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