58: Oscar Secrets

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Jen's POV

"Hello? Emily?" I ask worried why she is calling me.

"Jen?" she says.

"Hey what's up?" I continue the conversation.

"I need to confess something," she says slowing. How much is more things this girl hiding? And why the hell does she need to hide things?"

"Okay, what is it?" I sigh.

"My real name is Danielle but I had to change it in order to not get caught and taken back into the system," she blurts out.

"Alright, Emily, hear me out okay..." I pause.

"Okay," she answers after I hear her breathing speed up.

"You can't keep things from me. No more secrets now and in the future. You hear me, Em. Anything else you'd better tell me now..." I say sternly.

"Jen, I don't think I could ever tell anyone everything. It's hard to put into words," she trembles, "I promise that there is nothing else in my past that will scar our future in a big way. The only secrets I have left is the abuse I received in the foster homes. I can't talk about that."

"Em, I'm going to start trusting you again but please know that my trust is earned and you need to earn it," I tell her.

"I'm really sorry," she breathes heavily.

"I know. I understand why you did it but I still need to know that I can trust you," I say trying to calm her. "Here's the deal, I love you to pieces but sometimes I feel like you don't trust me which makes me not trust you because you keep hiding things. Eventually, we are gonna get a court date and when that happens you will legally be a part of the family. I want that but I don't know if we're ever gonna get one if you won't tell me what's going on inside your mind or what fears and worries cloud behind your eyes."

"I'm not one to be open and I'm sorry. I will start telling you things though. I want to be a part of the family because.." she pauses, "I love you."

"I love you too, hun," I smile widely, "Em, I gotta go but we'll talk soon, okay?"

"Alright, bye," she says.

"Love ya, bye," I answer before hanging up. She said I love you! I'm mentally bouncing off the walls with happiness.

Austin's POV

Dinnertime rolls around and I order three extra large pizzas and one medium. One cheese, one black olive, one pepperoni and the medium is pepperoni and jalapeno for Jen. She literally asked for that when I told her we were getting pizza. Like seconds after my text that everything is fine and we're getting pizza, she sent back to get a medium with this.

Claire and I finished Taylor's room a little before lunch and as it turns out Taylor's room was the only tornado looking room. We've been playing with Faith while Emily calls some people.

Honestly, I can't wait to have another kid. I love Taylor and I love being her father but I'm honestly not around enough to be in that position. I call her a lot but we only see each other once a month.

I've learned that Faith loves to hear sounds which makes more sense to me about why Emily keeps leaving the plastic spoon and bowl laying on the ground.

To be honest, I'm amazed by her, Emily. She's raised Faith by herself while also supporting herself. She's outspoken and brave. She has confidence and humor. Most important, she's strong. I hope that Taylor grows up to be like her.

"Alright, I'm gonna go check on the kids," Claire says getting up.

"Kay, I'll set the table," I say getting off the couch and picking up Faith. The nine-month-old looked a little startled before relaxing in my arms. "Alright, Faith we are just gonna put some paper plates and cups on the counter. Then I'm gonna get some food in your stomach," I say placing her in the high chair.

"Hey," Emily says entering the kitchen while I hopelessly look around for paper plates.

"What's up?" I say not turning around while opening each cabinet and drawn.

"If you're looking for paper plates, we don't have any but it you're looking for real plates they're above the dishwasher," she laughs.

"Thank you," I laugh getting down four small, plastic ones and three real ones.

"No problem," she says opening the fridge. The doorbell rings and I hurry to get it. Opening the door, I'm handed four boxes after I give the kind man about sixty dollars.

"Here's dinner and there is milk in the fridge for the kids," I tell her.

"Alright don't give Faith the two percent milk though, the formula is for her," she laughs.

"I know, I was practically quizzed on that before Taylor's mom went wacko," I say.

"Well, good luck with the kids," she says ducking out to the family room.

"Very funny. Kids! Pizza is here!" I shout up the stairs. The trio, Logan's mom already picked him up, gathers around the table quickly before I hand out plates each with a slice of pizza. Claire passes out cups of milk. After feeding Faith and passing her back to Emily, we eat at the bar while watching the kids practically scarf down their food. They each manage about one and a half slices before dashing off to Taylor's room again.

"Well that lasted about twenty minutes," Claire laughs.

"Low attention spans," I agree. Once we finish, we clean up the kitchen before heading to the family room. Sinking into the couch next to Claire we both become entranced with whatever show Emily was watching.


The doorbell rings about six o'clock and I jump up to answer it. Looking through the slightly tinted windows, I notice it's most likely Kait and James' mom.

"Taylor, Kait, James, Your mom is here," I yell before hearing them come clomping down the stairs.

I open the door and blindly put out my hand, "Hi I'm..."

"Austin," the voice breathes out.

"Riley," I say staring into her brown eyes.

"Daddy?" Taylor asks from behind me, "That's Brook," she says taking a few steps closer to me.

"No, honey that's your birth mom," I stutter.


Thanks for reading. FOUND ON THE PAPER is finally completed.

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CQ: How does Jen react?

How does Taylor react to Riley and how do you think their relationship will be?

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