Why Me?

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I woke to the sound of my phone going off constantly. What's going on? I saw it was a text from Kagami-kun
You Missed 6 Calls From Kagami Taiga
Kuroko!!! Hurry up were all going out on that meal with the team to celebrate winning the winter cup!
I checked the time on my phone 9:56am 6th January.
That is next week Kagami-kun
Wait... I guess it is haha... My mistake, sorry.
Its okay. Thank you for waking me up though. I need to eat I'm hungry.
Why don't I come to your place and I can cook us breakfast?
Okay why not.
Give me a minute though, i need to change out of these fancy clothes...
Okay. See you soon
I got out of bed, I felt much lighter and shorter than I did before. I dismissed it, until I walked into the bathroom did I see what had actually happened... I was a girl. I rubbed my blue eyes, they must be playing tricks on me. When I looked in the mirror and I still saw the same image... Why did I have to turn into a girl, I mean. I'm a Guy I play on a guys basketball team with other guys! What should I do? I can't wear my normal clothes, they're to baggy. Well I know one thing. Kagami can not come over, I'd rather not have him see me like this. I grabbed my phone and started typing...
Actually... Never mind I just remembered I was going to hang out wituh Moimoi-san this morning!
Alright then but don't forget that meal is at 22:00 next week that is the correct time.
I won't! Goodbye
See ya
I guess Moimoi-san should be able to lend me some clothes for a while I started to type again...
Kuroko: Hey Moimoi I need your help can you come over please?
Sure Tetsu-kun!! What's the matter?
I'll tell you when you get here.
Okay see you in a sec *\(^o^)/*

The doorbell rang. It must be Moimoi. However when I opened the door I didn't expect Akashi-kun to be standing in the doorway.

----Akashi POV----
I knocked on Tetsuya's door only to find a short blue haired girl open the door.
"Hello miss" I said politely "Do you know where Kuroko Tetsuya is?"
"Hello Akashi-kun" she replied, how did she know my name? I don't recall knowing her. "That would be me" I was a mixture between shocked and confused. Tetsuya. A... Girl? I looked into her eyes and pulled the girl closer.
"Tetsuya?" I asked slightly tilting my head.
"Yes, Akashi-kun?" She replied, expressionless.
"If you are Tetsuya." I started "what is my first name?"
"Well Akashi-kun... You've never allowed us to really say your first name" she replied. This is definitely Tetsuya...
"Can I come in?" I asked already walking inside his, or would it be her?, small apartment.
"Okay then Akashi-kun" she said closing the door and showing me to the table inside. I sat down and scanned Tetsuya as she sat down. Long pastel blue hair hanging just above her hips, a fragile body that any girl would kill to obtain, a reasonably sized chest, flawless, pale skin and big blue eyes that would gain the attention of anyone walking towards her. Not to bad Tetsuya. She explained how she woke up as a girl for some unknown reason and that Satsuki will be coming over to lend her some clothes, since all she has are men's clothing. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Tetsuya started to get up.
"No, I'll get it" I said getting up "What if it's someone off your team? What will they say?"
"Alright then, that's a good point Akashi-kun" she said sitting back down. I walked towards the door and opened it, it was Satsuki. With Daiki...

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