Ryouta's Hang Out Spot

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Song: Nightcore- Without You~ David Guetta

Kuroko POV
Kise lead me to his car. He told me that he was going to take me somewhere he knew I'd like, and now I see why he thought that. As the sun started setting, Kise-kun lead me to the top of a hill. He called it the mount-Kisechi. Lame name, but the view of the sunset was beautiful. We had both sat down pretty close and he gave me a Vanilla milkshake. My eyes lit up as I started drinking the sweet, cold liquid. Kise-kun just chuckled.
"What's so funny?" I asked
"Nothing" he replied and got a bit closer to me.
"Kise-kun?" I asked, he looked up "Why did you bring me here? The sun's beautiful yes. But is that it?" He looked depressed at this comment but then his eyes lit up, I assume he remembered something.
"No, but when the sun is down and the stars start appearing this is the best place to see all the constellations up here. You see I assume your not the happiest with this current situation, but I remember you saying you used to look at the constellations when you were down down so that is why I brought you here." He said his browny-yellow orbs looking straight into my blue ones.
"I honestly didn't think you'd remember that Kise-kun. Thank you" I said as I stared off into space. Looking at all the constellations really did put me at ease, a little bit too at ease I think. I felt my eyelids getting heavy as I drifted off.
Kise POV
Me and Kurokocchi just stared in awe at the beautiful constellations above us. Kurokochi started falling down from the place she was sitting. I put my hands on her back stopping her from hitting her small head on the ground.
"Hello Kise" I heard a familiar voice say. It was Midorimachi.
"Hello Midorimacchi" I glared at him I softly placed Kurokochi on the earth and stood up.
"What are you doing here?" He asked
"I could ask you the same thing"
"I came up here to see the stars, what about you, Kise"
"All I was doing was looking at the constellations with Kurokochi. Is that a crime?"
"Then why is she dead?"
"Hey! She's not dead, just sleeping"
"Alright, I'm going anyway and by the way this week is unlucky for Gemini" Midorimachi smirked evilly at me. He left soon after. Kurokocchi was fast asleep and I didn't want to wake her up. Mostly because she looked like an angel sleeping! I picked her up bridal style, and carried her to the car. Placed her in the seat and fastened her seatbelt.
As I drove to Kurokochi's house, I put on the radio very quietly. The current song was Fireflies by Owl City. I drove and bobbed my head to the beat of the music. Once I arrived at Kurokocchi's house, I found her keys in her jacket pocket. As I unlocked the door her burglar alarm went off. I froze. What am I supposed to do??

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