I'm not sure

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Phil stayed in the house all weekend. Dan went to visit family and friends.
Phil loved his new hamster so much. It was like his baby. Dan came back Sunday and went to Phil's room.
" Why don't you pay attention to me instead?"
Phil left the room. Dan took the hamster and let it outside.
Phil came back to look for it.
"Where's my hamster?" He asked.
Dan showed him the empty cage. Phil ran out the house.

He let my hamster out? Im so upset! I wentto the bar and got a drink. A barely dressed woman came up to me and tried to flirt with me.
I walked away from her, I hate seeing women like this, I thought back to Dan. His warm brown eyes and cheeky smile, the way his hair is perfectly styled. I replaced every good thought with what he did.
I came home around 2 am to see him on the couch.
"I was worried about you." He said.
I locked myself in my room and stayed up the entire night watching Buffy. I was really craving some marshmallows so I tried to sneek them out the cabinet and ate as many as I could until I threw up. I then ate all the cookies with milk. I ate the left over pancakes too.

I woke up to see Phil sleep on the kitchen floor surrounded by cookie crumbs and a take out container. I cleaned up the mess and left him there. I heard him go to his room after an hour. I stayed in my room and scrolled down tumblr. My door soon opened and Phil came and laid down next to me. I put down my phone and we cuddled.

"I'm sorry for releasing him." I spoke
Phil nodded and we fell soon asleep in each others arms.

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