Chapter 10

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The next few days are just uneventful,i guess.I'm still not used at being an instructor and stuff.Most of the novices whom i used to be students with are respectful towards me,surprisingly.I haven't heard anything from Abe or Sydney about the Strigois thing.There's a slim chance that it was just some stupid rumor someone made up but why would anyone  start a rumor like that about me.Sure i'm not the most pleasent person you would meet but i don't think anyone would start up a rumor like this.Also,this came from an Alchemist,who's according of what Dimitri had told me,hates our kind.So,i don't think she would come here,a place that's filled with our kind,to deliver a stupid rumor.She said,Strigois in Russia.I've never ever been in Russia.Ever.

The last period of the day had finally ended to my relief.The whole day,all i did was guarding classes which is the most lamest and boring thing for a guardian to do.I'm glad it's already Friday,meaning i have time to enjoy myself over this short weekend.Let's just hope nothing would ruin it.

"Hathaway!" Someone called from behind me.I turned to see Alberta Petrov,walking towards me with a grim look on her face."I'm glad that i caught you." 

"Um,okay.Why what's up?" A frowned appears on my face."Something's wrong?"

"No,no,no..I'm here to tell you that you've been set a duty outside of the academy." I was about to say something but then she cut me off."It will only be just for the weekend. Don't worry about Lissa,she's in safe hands.Also,you're going there with Lord Ozera."

"Lord Ozera? as in Christian Ozera?" I raised my eyebrows in wonder."Why am i going there with him? And where are we exactly gonna go?"

"You're going to Seattle.You'll find out why when you get there."

"When are we leaving?" There goes my plan of enjoying the weekend.

"You'll leave in another 2 hours.6 AM.Be at the main gate by then." I nodded and Alberta pursed her lips and her face softens suddenly."Promise me that you'll be careful alright? Don't ever let your guard down and only trust people that your gut say that you can."

Alberta rarely ever shows her emotions,so this must be something serious.This just might  have something to do with the Strigoi thing..

"Alberta.." I grabbed her wrist before she could walk away."Does this have something to do with the Strigois that are searching for me?" I asked quietly,not wanting the few people around us to hear me.She held my gaze for a moment then sighed.

"You know i care about you Rose.When Zmey came with that Alchemist saying that they need to see you,i knew there was something serious happening that includes you so i forced Zmey to tell me." 


"You actually forced  Zmey to tell you?" I guess i underestimated Alberta's power.

"Yes.It wasn't easy but i did.So,please,be careful when you're out there.I'd say to watch out for Christian too but i think you figured that already."

"Yeah,and thanks Alberta.I'll be careful.You'll take care of Lissa right?"

"Rose,it's only for a few days,i'm sure she'd be fine." Alberta said with a small smile."Oh and bring your clothes and all important stuff.And uh Dimitri doesn't,i suggest you to tell him now.He's probably waiting for you back at your room."

I smiled and nodded."I guess i'll see you at the gate later before i leave?"

"Sure you will."

With that we parted our ways.This is such short notice and with what Alberta told me,it seems like it's a serious thing.I still have no idea why Christian's going too.

Surely enough when i enter my room,i heard the shower running,meaning Dimitri's showering.

I looked at the clock on the wall.I have another 1 hour and 15 minutes to go.I sighed for the umpteenth time today.Outside duty means i'm gonna be on human schedule.Great.I really hope i have a chance to rest my eyes for a little bit.

The shower stopped running and Dimitri walked out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist,using another towel to dry his hair.He smell good.

"I thought i heard you coming in." He walked over to me and give me a quick peck on the lips."I'm just gonna get ready then we can go get something to eat,if you want." 

"I can't." He looks over at me,frowning."I'll explain later,let me take a quick shower okay?" I gave him a small smile to assure him nothing's wrong.


I knew Dimitri's gonna be hesitant to let me go after he found out about what Abe told me.After i showered and got dressed,i told him.

"Do you really need to go?" His face contorted in concern.

"Yes! Dimitri,for the fifth time,yes,i do." I said i stuff the last thing in my duffel bag.

"Maybe i can ask Alberta to let me go with you."

"No,Dimitri,you can't." I sighed and walked over to him,cupping his face with my hands."I need you to stay here with Lissa.I need  you to take care of her while i'm gone.Promise me if anything happens to me,you'd take care of her." I know it's only for a couple of days but i already have that  feeling something's bad gonna happen.I really hope i'm wrong.

"Rose,i- "

"Promise me,Comrade."

He bit his lip as i stared into his eyes.Pleading.Finally,he released a heavy sigh.

"I promise." I smiled and pulled him into a soft kiss then he deepens it.

It's like he's kissing me for the last time.Probably not.He then hug me tightly and i hug him back just as tight,not wanting to let go.

"I'll see you in a few days alright?" I mumbled on his chest.

"You will." He kissed my forehead.


When i reached the main gate,they're all already there and Lissa too,probably just saying goodbye to Christian.

"Hey Rose," Lissa smiled then pulled me into a hug."Be careful out there okay?"

"I know Liss.Don't worry about it too much.I'll make sure Christian behave." I joked.She chuckled softly.

"Well,you behave too.Just don't let anything happen to you or him okay?" 

I nodded and hugged her again.

"You ready to go Rose?" Alberta asked.

"Yeah,got all the things i need." I was surprised when she hugged me.

"Remember what i told you.Be careful and don't let your guard down." She whispered in my ear.

I nodded in understanding.

"Time to go."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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