Chapter 7

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"I don't think I can do this." Alberta told me to be an instructor.I can't be their teacher.I'm the same age as them,I just graduated early for under some circumstances.

"Why not?" Dimitri asked as he sat down in front of me,handing me my latte.

"Oh come on you know why.You really think they're gonna see me as their instructor? The only difference between me and them is that I graduated early."

"There's a lot of difference between you and them.Those guys don't know what's the real world is like.You do.You know how it works in the real world they don't.You've seen things.Bad things.And them? Maybe some of them did.And you definitely know a lot more than them.Besides,I'm going to be by your side the whole time.We're a team aren't we?" My lips curled into a smile.He reached for my hand across the table and held it.

"Yeah." My smile widens."You always know how to make me feel better.Thanks."

"Always here for you.Now drink your latte before it gets cold."

Since I graduated early,It's easy to watch out for Lissa.She's been practicing Spirit with Adrian much to Christian's dismay.After that Jesse incident when I pulled out the darkness from her into me too much,she tried to keep it into a minimum.

We'll start training with them tomorrow.And today I only have to help Guardian Hale with  Advanced Guardian Combat Techniques which is in 5th Period so I'm free until 1 a.m. and right now it's only 9.Dimitri is guarding classes.Since I've got nothing to do,I decided to take a walk around the academy campus.

It's a cold windy night.The stars are out.It's beautiful.

As I was walking,I observed my surroundings.I realized that a few of them are staring at me.I'm supposed to be used to it by now but it felt a little weird.

"Little dhampir," He said,falling into steps beside me.

"Adrian," I greeted him back.

"Look," he sighed."I'm sorry.I just want to make it clear to you that I am really in love with you.Rose,I'd do anything for you.I haven't smoke for 3 days because of you.I'm not playing around."

Now I really look at him.He looks usual but he's shaking.

"Adrian,I do want you to stop smoking but if it's making the spirit effects stronger on you,just smoke but keep it to a minimum.And I've told you last night,I love you but as a friend.I am in love with Dimitri,you know that."

"Come on Rose,I could give you so much more than Cradle Robber can ever give you."

"Adrian you know that's not true." I said,my voice surprisingly calm.

Adrian was about to say something until someone interrupts him.

"Ah Rose," Jesse.

"Lord Zeklos,I think you have already known that I had graduated early and I'm a guardian now.So please,it's Guardian Hathaway to you." My voice cold.I regretted for attacking him but that doesn't mean I can forgive him for what he did to Lissa.

He laughed.

"You might be a guardian now but we all know you're still the reckless novice.You don't have boundaries.You don't even have any self control.I mean come on you're dating your instructor who is what? 6,7 years older than you.I bet he's only with you because of your," He scanned my body from up to down."sexy body." He winked.

Go fuck yourself,I thought.

"Shut up Zeklos.You're a big boy,pay some respect for Guardian Hathaway.And I swear if you ever disrespect her ever again," He smirked evilly."I'm gonna make you pay."

Jesse's cold smile is still on his face but I could see that he's frightened.

"Huh.I guess you're doing Ivashkov too.I'm not surprised honestly.So Ivashkov,how does it feel to have Rose Hathaway for your own personal blood whore?"

I'm shaking with rage now.Then a fireball got thrown to his face.He screamed.I turned around and saw that it was Christian who had threw the fireball at Jesse.He looks raging mad,like I am.He came at Jesse and punched him,making him fell to the ground than Christian grabbed him by the collar.

"You're a fucking shitty dumb ass asshole,Zeklos.You know without her you might be dead now and honestly I think that would be really good for everyone.And be thankful,if she hadn't stop Lissa from making you cry,you might even be in a trauma now.What she did to you was nothing comparing to what Lissa would've done to you if she hadn't stop her." He punched him again and Jesse fell to the ground again,groaning,nose bleeding.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Alberta ran and command an answer from me.

I was about to respond but Christian cut me off.

"I'm sorry Guardian Petrov,but Jesse Zeklos here is being really disrespectful to Guardian Hathaway.I was just defending her pride."

"Yes.He even accused her of being my own personal blood whore which is untrue and ridiculous." Adrian added.

"I'm sorry Alberta,I know I should've just report or walk away but- "

"It's okay Rose." Alberta pulled him up."You're coming with me.And Lord Ozera,I'm gonna let you go this time." Christian nodded gratefully.

"What?! You can't be serious." Jesse yelled.

"Be quiet!" Alberta hissed."Or you'll get into more trouble than you already are."

"Thanks guys.If you hadn't been here,he'd probably have a broken leg."

Christian then said that he's late for class and Adrian had to go talk to Kirova.

"That's a great start for the start of my guarding career." I muttered to myself.

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