Chapter 5

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Lissa planned a little get together graduation for me at the cabin.Christian,Dimitri,Eddie,Mia,Adrian,Mom,Abe..maybe and Tasha.And me and Dimitri decided to tell them about our relationship.Sure they all heard the so called "rumours" of me and Dimitri.We just want to make it official.

Someone knocked on my door.Dimitri.

"Hey,you're ready?" He wore his beautiful smile.

"Sure." I linked my arms with his."Let's go."

"You look beautiful by the way." He whispers in my ear.I grinned.I only wear my casual attire.Black tank top with a jacket on and my hair's up.I only did that because he told me to.

"You look not bad yourself Comrade." I peck his cheek.

We walked in silence after that,enjoying the cool air breeze through us.Then we saw it.The cabin.We stare at it,reliving the moment of that day.The day i lost my virginity to the one i love.A smile spread across Dimitri's face.

"I love you." He whispers."So much that  it hurts."

I leaned against him as he wraps his arms around my waist.I breathe in the  smell of his aftershave.He kissed my head.

"It's getting cold.Let's go inside."

When we got inside,everybody's already there.

"There you are Rose." Mia stood up and hug me.

"Hey Mia," she apparently has gotten taller,almost as tall as me."You know,you didn't have to come all the way from court to- "

"Of course i do.I wanted to see my used to be enemy graduate." We laughed."Congrats!"

"Thanks." I chuckled.

"Rosemarie." My father greeted me.I'm still having a hard time believing i have a mobster dad.

"Rose." I corrected him."And hello old man.What are you doing here?"

"Surely,i wouldn't miss my daughter graduation.." he looks around."get together." He gave me a genuine smile.

"Your daughter?!" Tasha almost yelled,completely surprise."Rose Hathaway is your daughter?"

"Yes.Yes,she is." Abe nods.

After that we ate,talks,everyone keeps congratulating me and Alberta joined us shortly after that.

"You guys heard the rumours? About Rose and Dimitri? Students here are all do i say this nicely,rude,i guess.." Tasha makes a face.

"What rumours?" Mia asked,frowning.

"The rumours that said they're dating."

Okay,here we go.

"Guys,i need to tell you something." Alberta,Liss,Christian,Adrian gave me a knowing look."The rumours are true."

"Not funny Rose." Eddie said.

I sighed then hold Dimitri's hand."Yes,it's true.We're together."

They all look surprised.

"Oh come on you guys,it's really obvious." Lissa said.

"But how?" Tasha asked,completely lost."Surely Dimka wouldn't date his student."

"She was never my student Tasha.She's my," he looks at me lovingly."equal.And i love her to bits." He kissed my hand.

"Wow,i never thought the stoic,anti-social Guardian Belikov is dating the reckless,insurbordinate Rose Hathaway." Eddie said once he recovered."No offends tho' "

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