Ownership Part Two: Emily/Alison

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After a long shift, Delaney and I drove home. My parents knew about my being gay, and that I have a girlfriend, and they were not the biggest fans of it, but they understood that it won't be something that is changing and that I'm legally an adult. Only my mom was home, so I let her know about the circumstances and I took Delaney upstairs. She knew her way around my room since she'd been here plenty of times before, hell, she even had her own drawer of pajamas, extra clothes, shampoo, and a toothbrush. "I'll let you shower up first since you had to work today," she said.

I laughed, "that wasn't really work, but okay." I stepped into the shower, letting the water hit me cold at first and slowly warm up. After I finished, I got ready for bed, and Delaney did the same. She threw on the oversized grey tee shirt she left here and I curled up in a flannel pajama shirt and we were ready for bed. Laying down, she leaned over and started to kiss me, but it just didn't feel right. I hadn't thought much about Alison that whole day, but in that moment, damn. I really did. I guess Delaney noticed that same lack of focus and dullness I had with Alison, because she stopped and asked "what's wrong?"

"Um, nothing," I said, "I'm just really tired."

"Oh, I guess I'm a little bit more awake than you are," she said disappointedly.

"Mhmm," I replied, pecking her and then saying "goodnight," as I turned to face the wall. I couldn't focus with Alison, and I couldn't focus with Delaney. This wasn't a situation of me not being able to have either, but not at the same time. I began to think about all the fun times Alison and I had together, just being stupid, and then I realized all the fun times Delaney and I had together. Truth is, Delaney was a more practical option than Alison, as I'd been thinking for a while now, as Alison would still be in high school as I moved on to bigger and better things next year. But that was next year. And right now, I felt Alison more in my heart than I did Delaney, as much as I cared about the girl. Every time she smiled, I would get this feeling, these butterflies, as though I was a little kid again. She was my first kiss, my first love, after all. In every way, Alison was all I wanted, and just as I had completely convinced myself of this, Delaney rolled over and held me. And I will tell you this, everything was simple with her. Delaney was easy, and Alison was hard. But Alison was worth it, worth the fight. Slowly I found myself drifting off into a deep sleep as Delaney held me, the touch I wished was Ali's.



It was around 2 am on a Friday night, and I couldn't sleep. Everything was so cold-- my blankets, the air, everything. All I wanted was someone to be lying there with me. And if I hadn't been such an ass, Emily may have just been here. I rolled over to my phone, which was plugged in on my nightstand, and I texted her desperately.

To: Emily Fields

I miss you. A lot.

From: Emily Fields

I do too.

And, suddenly, this text filled me with all of the warmth I needed to fall asleep.

(A/N: I decided to publish the nicer version :) You're welcome.)

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