Chapter 3: Feelings

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Skylar -

I made it the park at about 4:20. The walk is only about 15 minutes, but traffic was so bad today. There were car jammed as far as the eye can see. I made the assumption that everyone was trying to get home all at once for whatever reason, but what do I know? All I know is that people constantly blaring their horns and it pissed me off. Well, up until I actually got there and realized why I was there.

I walked around a bit in hopes to find some place to sit. I finally noticed a picnic table and made my way over to it and sat down. I looked around to see if they were coming, but sadly, I failed to see them. All I really saw was several groups of people doing their own thing with a few pets here and there. But I didn't look for too long so I wouldn't look weird. However, I saw a cute little girl with a head full of hair walking around with a wide-toothed comb looking around as if she was looking for someone in particular. When her eyes met mine, she immediately staerted walking towards me and subtly held her arm out that bared the comb. As she got closer, I guessed she was around the age of 7 or 8. When she was close enough, she spoke to me in a very familiar accent. "Excuse me miss, can you help me fix my hair? My dad messed it up on the swings." She pointed to a man swinging back and fourth in the distance with a little boy by his side, watching us calmly with very big hair. He kinda looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. 

Oh well. 

"Sure sweetie." She gave me a crooked smile and turned her back towards me and got on her knees to make it easier for me. I began gently combing through her very thick, but beautiful hair and began thinking of somehting I could do to it. Since I didn't have any hair bows on me to spare, I needed to do somehting simple that could hold on its own. 

Braids. Two of them. 

As I was doing my thing and making it look as neat as possible, I started thinking. Why would she come up to a complete stranger? I mean, I'm no one to hurt a child, but anyone else could have. That's really weird and unsafe, but her dad is watching us and he isnt that far. I guess it's okay. I was so caught up in thinking to myself that I hardly realized that I was finished. That was a lot easier than I imagined being that she had really thick hair. 

"All done." I said with a smile. She stood and turned to me and matched my smile. As she was about to say something, her eyes averted behind me and her smile grew bigger. "Uncle Lau!" She exclaimed. Lau? He's here already? Why is my heart beating faster now? Help. 

"Lilo, you dad calling for you." His voice thundered softly behind me and sent chills down my spine. He was really close. I could almost feel him breathing down on me. Or maybe it's because I'm really anxious all of a sudden.. I shifted my body to look up at him talking to the little girl who I now know is his niece. I couldn't help but smile at him. He's just so... so...ugh! 

"Okay Uncle Lau," She turned around, making sure to grab her comb and ran away to her dad. "Papa, do you like my hair?"  She yelled as she was still running. So that's Larry huh. I can't really see him. I'll meet him one day. Properly that is. 

Laurent walked around the bench to sit with me. "Hey, it's so great to see you again." He pulled me into an unexpected hug. It took me a second to realized what happened, but when I did, I wrapped my arms around him. Gosh... he's so warm. I can sit here for a while just hugging him and be okay with itbnq w. There was a gentle breeze that kissed our faces and danced around, taking our hair with it. That's when he pulled back and brushed a loose lock of my hair behind my ear to get a better look at me I'm guessing. I don't see why though. Great... I just killed my mood.

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