Chapter 11: Starting Over

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MrsLaurentBourgeois Will be playing the role of Skylar and LJ's mom ! Just so you know , her name is Brittany c: .

Skylar -

I woke up with a small headache . I must have cried myself to sleep . God it feels so good to have that off my chest . You don't even know how long I've wanted to tell somebody , anybody my story . Now I did , and I feel as if a weight is lifted off my chest .

I looked around to see a pair of strong , tatooed arms around my waist , holding me in place . I shifted so I was off him a little bit . I must have woken him up because he gave me a side eye before turning over to look at me .

"Let's not talk about okay ?" I said . I knew he was bound to ask me something about those flashbacks . He nodded slightly and let out a giant yawn . I giggled at the face he made and sat up . He sat up with me as well and pulled me into his lap .

"You are so strong bebe . I no know anyone who's been through so much before and still came out strong . I'm glad you mine Skylar ." Lau said to me as he pushed my hair behind my ear , looking directly into my eyes . I am strong . I've been beaten , raped by the same person twice , and mentally torn down by one person . But look at where I am now . I'm with the person I love , and I'm not suffering anymore . Man , it seems like God sent Lau my way himself because without Lau being in my life , I'd be dead by now . I guess miracles do happen .

I smiled at Lau and kissed him softly . He gladly kissed me back , gently gripping my curves . I tried to pull back , but then he wined like a baby .

"No belle ( kiss ) ." He said , trying to kiss me again , stealing one in the process . I moved from his reach giggling . "No Lau . You've already had too many !" I screeched as he pinned me down on his bed , hovering over me . "Give me !" He exclaimed , holding me in place . He leaned down and kissed me again .

A hundred stolen kisses later , he finally let me up , laughing at me as I gave him an adorable pout . "You so fanny belle ." He said as he pulled me into his arms , resting his chin on my head . I've always loved how tall he was . Its like he's intimidating me , but in a sexy way .

"You think me being tall is sexy ?" He questioned with a sly smirk . Did I say that out loud ? I'm so stupid . I looked up at him and grinned innocently . I kissed his chin and giggled as he scrunched his face up playfully .

There was a knock at the door that brought us out of our little moment . He went to the door and said "Who is it ?" A tiny giggle was heard behind the door . He gasped as he opened the door to see his mini him with his mommy .

"Mon cheri !!" He exclaimed as he was tackled by LJ . LJ smothered him in kisses as his mom smiled at the two . 'She's a pretty light skinned girl .' I thought as I looked over her briefly . She was wearing jeans , tombs and a white long sleeved shirt with natural brown hair .

She noticed me and smiled at me , making her way over me . She stuck out her hand and spoke . "Hi , I'm Brittany , LJ's mom ." She's really nice too . It wouldn't hurt to make a new friend . I smiled and shook her hand . "I'm Skylar , Lau's current girlfriend ." She smiled and looked over at the boys to see LJ on top of Lau with their fingers locked together speaking in their native language . They were smiling and laughing every once in a while . They have that perfect father son relationship .

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