Queen of Darkness and Daisies >> Crowley (Fergus MacLeod) X Reader

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Title: Queen of Darkness and Daisies

Paring: Crowley (Fergus MacLeod) X Reader

Warnings: mentions, torture. Also mentions  Kevin, who is the literal embodiment of sunshine. So I guess that balances it out. Minor swears, too. Also, this is a female reader, because it's hard finding a gn term for King/Queen.

Spoilers: yes, I think, for end of Season 8 and beginning of 9 for Supernatural.

Author's note: if nobody is going to request anything, I'm still going to post. Just stuff I want to write.


You'd never expected yourself to become the Queen of Hell. Or a Queen of anything, to be honest. But here you were, and here you stood. Or, sat, to be more accurate. In a bunker full of hunters and their friends, nursing a cup of something warm between your fingertips.

"How are we to know he has a freaking girlfriend?" The short one growled. "And that she'd stop the conversion?"

They stood away from you, in another room. Your ears weren't supernaturally gifted or anything like your husband, but the men were talking very, very loud.

The taller one, the one with the floppy hair sighed. "She didn't stop it. Abbadon did." He reasoned. "And while we need Crowley for interrogation, Dean, they're they're both fugitives. _________ needs a place safe from those creatures."

"No. No! I put my foot down. I've done it. My foot is down. I don't want that witch staying here."

"Don't listen to Dean, he's only half talk." You blink, and realise who had spoken to you. It's the girl, the one with red hair and a bright smile and brighter shirt. What had they introduced her as? Charisse? Charlene? Charlie. "He didn't much like me when we first met. It'll be okay."

You couldn't help but smile. "I'm sure it will, in time." You glance to your still hot mug. "But in time, what will happen to Crowley?"

She winced at the tender topic. "I'm not sure. All they really do is interrogate...and yeah, a little torture." You let out a whimper. "I mean, he's a strong guy. I mean, demon. Person. He'll, uh, make it through."

You cautioned a sip of your cup, feeling the tea heat you up. At the same time, you weren't sure, but an additional voice chimed into the Winchester argument, and drew the men forth.

"Hello, ________, my name is Castiel. I am an angel of The Lord. I am also a very good friend of Sam and Dean, and I have decided on behalf of everybody, that you will be granted asylum here for as long as it takes for us to get what we require from Crowley, or it is safe for you to return outside."

You nod, and slowly, beam up at him. "Thank you, Castiel." Shifting your hand to touch his, you add, "Your reputation for justice matches what I've you seen display. I'm very grateful."

The shorter one rolls his eyes. "Parasite."

Was this one Dean? Well, whoever he was, being rude wasn't going to get him anywhere.

"I'm not a vampire, nor one who climbs socially to reap what was not theirs to sow," you retort as quickly as you are quiet, crossing your arms. "Yes, I am married to your enemy, the King, and yes, I'm as human as you are, but can you not see how unfair this is?" You ask Dean.

His face lights up with fury, and somewhere near you, you hear Charlie whistle lowly, under her breath. "Where's Kevin when you need him?" she practically whispers, whipping her phone out to speed text.

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