Rebel Loner Girl (& the Babysitter of The Year) >> Steve Harrington X Reader

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Title: Rebel Loner Girl (& the Babysitter of The Year)

Paring: Steve Harrington X Reader

Warnings: fluff, angst, teenagers being teens.

Spoilers: yeah, for Stranger Things 2

Author's Note: This was a request from my tumblr.


Your dad didn't want to do it alone. But then again, Chief Hopper was a man who never really got it his way, anyways. But you went along with it. Helped your newfound sister to look pretty, pick out a dress, and look decent enough to go to the Snow Ball. You remember when you were that young – heck, you'd almost skipped it, except that your dad all but made you go. So, after making El look presentable, you got into the car with your dad, and heard all the ground rules for her to follow for the dance.

"Remember, you're going to school here next year, so you can make friends then." He tells her, looking in the rear-view mirror of the police truck. "And don't get too close to boys – Mike in particular."

"Dad," you groan, rolling your eyes.

El nods. "Yeah, Dad," she joins in. "I won't be stupid."

He harrumphs at that, but reluctantly agrees. Soon enough, you make it to the school, and while you take a picture of your sister half-heartedly smiling, and usher her inside, you see as your dad gravitates to where Mrs. Buyers is by her car. But when El is inside the middle school's gym, you see that your dad is nowhere near the car, and the keys, unlike usually, aren't left in the ignition.

"Uh, sorry," you walk over to where he's talking with Mrs. Buyers, sharing a cigarette. "Aren't we going home? I have a paper I'm working on for biology."

Mrs. Buyers gives your dad a look. "Jim, I thought you told her." She half-scolds.

You square your jaw, crossing your arms. "Did you change plans without telling me?"

He flicks the butt of the cigarette onto the asphalt of the school parking lot, and crushes it under his boot. "Yeah, but I told you, last night, after dinner. You said, yes dad."

You stare at him. "I thought you were telling me to clean up the dishes!"

Joy gives his arm a small thwack. "If you want, I think Will has one of his comic books in the back of my car, something like, uh, Spider-Man?"

You shake your head, shoving your hands into your jeans pockets. "Um, no thanks, Mrs. Buyers, I've already read those." You look to your Dad, "Not cool," you add. But just then, when you look across the parking lot, you see a familiar face. "I'm taking off. Bye!"

You wave a hasty goodbye to the adults, and book it across to where you see Steve Harrington with his fancy BWM. He's dropping off Dustin Henderson, one of El's friends, and before he can drive away, you place a hand on the bonnet, and probably scare the guy half to death.

"I need a lift."

He raises an eyebrow at your beat-up jeans and wild hair. "I just finished being chauffer, Hopper," he says, and after a beat, adds, "C'mon, get in. Where to?"

You don't waste a second, practically racing to get to the empty left-hand side of the car. "Anywhere but here, Harrington," you roll your eyes, "Are you picking up Dustin after, or was that just..."

He shakes his head. "Yeah, I'm doing his Mom a solid." He puts the car into gear, and starts driving off. "And 'anywhere'?" He asks, "What are you, some kind of rebel loner girl?"

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