It's A Team Effort >> Barry Allen (The Flash) X Reader

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Title: It's A Team Effort

Paring: Barry Allen (The Flash) X Reader

Warnings: is 'asshat' even a swear word?

Spoilers: none??

Author's note: I've never seen The Flash, picked up a Barry Allen comic, or even seen anything of Flash that wasn't on Young Justice (and that's Wally, not Barry. My friend got me hooked. I'm a total Superboy fan). Forgive me if Barry's or anyone else' personality isn't what they usually are, I only read an online character description.


The day always began with coffee. For you, that is. Without a cup in your hand, and Barry in the other, you'd be doomed to sleep half the day away.

His day was different; it began with a warm up, a run around the city limits twice, and if he was up to it, down to the coast to see the sun rise over the beach. Maybe this became a little settled, and the pair of you made a habit of coexisting rather than being lovers.

It soon turned into waking to an empty bed, and a silent apartment, cold rooms, and a bustling boyfriend who would return to your side too tired to talk, to share any affection. You didn't dare bring up Barry's superhero side being the problem; he was finally a part of the Justice League. He rubbed shoulders with Batman, Superman - heck, even Aquaman! You wouldn't put his dream down just because you felt a little lonelier. Barry knew this. He knew he was always gone, and the closest he came with you some days was appearing on the 7 o'clock news or crashing asleep whenever he could make it home.

And thus, the cycle continued. Days turned into weeks, and months turned into a year of unspoken words and the unshakable feeling he was only with you still out of pity.

It wasn't until Supergirl brought it up that Barry couldn't ignore the elephant he carried into every room about his love life. It so happened to be in the new Batcave, and the Justice League and their sidekicks could listen in.

"So, you haven't brought up _______ lately, something wrong with the two of you?" she wondered.

Barry spat out his drink. Or, he intended to, but in the shock of it all, it ended up trickling down his suit, over his chest.

"What isn't? I'd split with him if he spat every time _______ or his love life was mentioned in the Batcave," Nightwing smirked. "Didn't anyone tell you? They're one step away from Splitsville."

"Are you and ______ going on vacation?" Miss Martian and Superboy gravitated toward the kerfuffle. "That location sounds lovely!"

Superboy frowned. "Why are you all even interested in his private life? I don't see you pressuring Batman and Wonder Woman into anything."

The girl of steel waved him off. "They'll work it out for themselves. The Flash here, however...he needs a quick solution to his long-lasting dry spell."

Barry couldn't help but feel claustrophobic, surrounded by all the young heroes and their gossip. He was sure if another word was said, Superman would come over intervene, and then everyone would know.

"We - I - ______ and I are fine!" He huffed. "It's not a big deal."

Nightwing's lip turned into a half smile. "It is if you're this angsty about it. Take it from me; have a week off. Fix this mess you made, and it'll be fine. Sometimes, all it takes is a little attention to make it work."

Miss Martian beamed, and handed Barry her half finished juice box. "Give your _______ a small gift, or maybe take them for a picnic!" She sighed. "I'm sure they will love it."

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