The Future is Now >> Derek Hale X Reader

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Title: The Future is Now

Paring: Derek Hale X Reader

Warnings: mentions of being an outcast/bullying, soft angst, lil bit of fluff, Derek Hale is actually a smoll puppy who wants belly rubs maybe, mythical creatures not explored before in the show

Spoilers: yes! I've mixed up canon in here because I hate who they've killed off, so it's basically a mix of all the seasons, and well, if you're not up to season 5, I'm sorry buddy but that's what I've written. Read at your own risk, children.


To say you had been a friend of Stiles would be a vast overstatement. He sort of adopted you, after a day at the library, when you had overheard Allison grumbling over a quadratic equation, and you answered the problem without any pen and paper from the top of your head. The people of Beacon Hills always had thought you to be a freak, a nerd who didn't fit in, because well, when you were too shy to become a Mathlete, and too awkward to make your own friends, and lo and behold, that meant you were different.

But what world you stumbled upon because of Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski, the terrifying place where the teenagers around you were packs of werewolves, where your blood ignited when you were around to help with laying the mountain ash barriers, where nightmares surrounded you daily, made your mind race. It was like you couldn't tell the difference between the pages of the mythologies you'd ingested to keep up with the monster of the week.

But it was at the werewolf Derek Hale's apartment, who was a part of Scott's pack, when you felt so very out of the waters of your experience. You'd seen terrible things and a blind megalomaniac werewolf, sure, but still, you were the freaky geek who never had experience with social events. Thus, when Derek himself came up to you, and offered a bottled water, you were almost speechless.

"So, I hear you're another of the resident humans in the pack," he gives a smirk over the water, which makes you wonder if he's joking, or if he's just making fun of you. After all, he's very ripped, and very handsome, and an older guy, and you're used to this kind of treatment.

You nod. "I guess I'm a part of the pack, then," you mull over.

Glancing to the werewolves and assorted others getting to their seats for the pack meeting over Derek's lounge and coffee table. Allison and Isaac are seated beside one another, beside them squeezed in is one of the Chimeras, Corey, with Kira sitting on the arm of the sofa cross-legged. Lydia is running over notes she's taken from the last meeting, absentmindedly chewing the eraser on her green pen, Scott peering over her shoulder. Deputy Parrish is in the kitchen, working on his homemade lemonade with some help from Malia, who grumbles in good nature about being away from Farmville. Liam and Stiles are on the floor, challenging one another to a thumb war, with Mason and Hayden watching in amusement. It's all quite lovely; like a painting about to be frozen in frame, a memory to keep forever.

He chuckles, a deep-throat rumble which makes you think he's either choking or full of dry humour. "So, what got you in here? A friend of Stilinski's, or are you the one who worked it out all on your own?"

You shrug, looking to your hands. You were supposed to bring something, but you can't quite remember what. "I'm not really a friend of anyone," you tell the guy who happens to be very ripped and very shirtless before you, not meeting his eyes. "I'm just sort" your eyes flit across his own, and adding quickly, you blurt, "I mean, I'm clever, I guess. In ways Lydia isn't."

Derek Hale nods. "So, you're another part added to be the brains of the operation," he smirks, and passes you, walking to the meeting on the lounge floor of his apartment. "Come on, bright star, meeting's about to begin."

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