Chapter 16 - Cupcake Contest

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**maybe you need to read the ending of last chapter, so you know what's going on because it has been 4 months since my last update :) **

When Ryder had finished taking his clothes on, he knocked on my door and came in. I had calmed down after the little incident at the bathroom, but I couldn't help remembering it again for a moment, much to my own embarrassment.

He sat down on the little bean bag I had in the corner of my room, closing his eyes.
"Ahhh, this is so comfy. If I had one of these I would never leave my room."

I nodded. "Yup. I sometimes have this urge to skip school only to sit in it all day in a patch of sunlight, while reading a good book".

He looked at me with a small smile on his lips. "Have you actually ever skipped school? Just because you didn't feel like it?"

"Of course not", I huffed. "I haven't even been late for school since one time in 3rd grade", I added after a moment's thought. "Or had a detention for that sake".

He laughed. "Such a nerd, huh?"

I smiled. "That doesn't automatically make me a nerd. But I'll take it as a compliment, thank you".

"Seriously, one day you've got to skip school. Just to try it" he said.

"Why? I like going to school, what is the point of skipping it on purpose?"

He sighed. "Because. Because it's exhilarating and fun, knowing that your classmates are sitting in a classroom being lectured about how Napoleon was once attacked by a large pack of rabbits*, all the while you are free to wander the streets and do what you like."

I chuckled a bit at the Napoleon part. "Such a bad influence you are, you have been in my room for about two minutes and already you are trying to convince me to try skip school for a day".

"One day, Pretty Girl, we have to skip school together", he promised.

My phone suddenly rang. I cleared my throat so wouldn't sound like someone who had inhaled helium, as I always sounded, when I spoke on the phone, and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked gingerly, not recognizing the caller's number.

"Hi sweety, it's Leena. I am not interrupting, am I?"

"No no"

"Great. I couldn't wait till your workday to tell you the news! There is going to be held a big contest - a cupcake contest - in a place nearby, for all amateur bakers. The participants have to bake 3 cupcakes of their own liking, then 3 cupcakes where some of the ingredients are drawed by lot, and at last a secret challenge. The winner wins 1000 dollars and new baking equipment!"

I was speechless.

"Doesn't it sound amazing? I was thinking that you and Ryder could participate in it - it would be a great experience and it would also make the shop more popular if you participated. Do you need time to think about it?" she said worriedly.

I was finally able to speak. "I would absolutely love to participate! Wauw, I have always wanted to be in a kind of baking contest, it sounds like a really fun thing! I will ask Ryder if he wants to too and then I'll text you back, okay?"

When the call ended, I let out a short, but really girly scream. Partly surprised and embarrassed by my outburst I clamped a hand over my mouth and let myself fall down on the floor. Ouch.

Someone coughed. Oh, he was still in the room. Before he could say anything or comment on my scream, I told him about what Leena had said over the phone.

"That sounds really awesome!" he said, smiling over the thought of the contest. "As long as you don't ruin all the shirts I have with your clumsiness, then I'm in".

I rolled my eyes. "Just try to stay out of the way then. Not my fault you take so much space".

I took a notebook up from under my bed and carefully ripped two pages off. I also fetched a few pens from under the bed, where all my colors, canvasses and papers are, and handed a paper and pen to Ryder.

"We can begin writing ideas now" I said, taking the lid of my pen with my teeth.

"What ideas?" he asked confused.

"For the contest, dummy", I answered.

"Oh, right. Good idea".

We began writing without talking. It was a peaceful silence where we concentrated on our task. I sat on the bed and he was still sitting in the bean chair.

After 20 minutes, I pushed the paper aside and looked up at Ryder. "I think I'm done. Should we fetch something to eat?" I asked, and not even waiting for a reply, I raised from the bed.

He nodded, also pushing his pen and paper aside.

"I can't get myself to leave your bean bag" he said, closing his eyes and drawing his knees up.

For a few seconds he stayed that way, so I reached out and pulled on his arm to get him up. Nothing. I pulled harder. Damn, he was either heavy or making and effort to stay there. His mouth twitched a bit, but his eyes were still closed. I pulled even harder, but lost my grip and almost fell backwards, when his strong hand grasped my wrist, steadying me.

"Now, no need to hurt yourself while trying to show how "strong" you are", he said.

I brushed his hand off, fake-dusting my shoulder. "You are right. We both already know that I'm the strongest one"

He nodded with a smile. "Yeah, obviously".

Downstairs I quickly made some humus and Ryder cut toast into small rectangles, dipped in olive oil, paprika and chopped garlic and put them in the oven so they became crispy. It didn't sound like much, but it tasted really well.

He was actually a nice fella, I grudgingly admitted to myself while I sneaked a few glances of him.


*Napoleon WAS actually attacked by wild rabbits ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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