Chapter 11 - The Cupcake Bakery, talking too much, and a gummy bear

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It was only a few minutes’ walk to the bakery. Butterflies were fluttering wildly and excitedly around in my stomach, and I suppressed the urge to smile broadly at everyone I met on my way there. The main reason for me wanting to work at the bakery was to make money for charity and to help poor people. The thing that made me want to take this exact job was, that it involved cupcakes and sounded easy enough and fun. I mean, how many times do you get a job, as a teenager, where you have to do your hobby, in this case baking, and not any hard work and still getting money for doing it? 

When I opened the door of the bakery, the bells jingled softly and cheerily as if welcoming me. The sweet, warm but bitter scent of chocolate, the strong scent of coffee, and the scent vanilla immediately hit my nose, as I stepped over the threshold, inhaling happily. I just loved that scent and would love to smell it all day if I could (ok, that sounded a bit weird, never mind...)

I looked around at the little shop and noticed the cozy atmosphere already. There were small, but high tables with also high chairs scattered over the place, there were big windows with things, the customers and workers had written or drawn. The few people in there were talking, but low enough, so that it were like comfortable background music. 

As I walked towards the counter, I smiled. It was such a nice place, and around the counter and under it, were the most incredible cakes and cupcakes. A lot of them actually looked simple, but I could still sense all the hard work behind them, and wondered how they would taste and how the texture would be.
There were cakes in a whole lot of colors and shapes and for a minute or so, I just stood there looking at all the different cakes, thinking hard about what I could learn from them and how I could make some of them myself.

Totally lost in my thoughts, I didn’t even realize that a person suddenly had appeared behind the counter.

“Hi dear, how can I help you?” A lady asked me. She was in her forties, I guess, with short, brown hair and warm smile.

I quickly looked up, forgetting all about the cakes.  Ok, Aubrianna, take a breath, and don't sound nervous or shy! Seriously, I needed to do somehting about my shyness! I had to become a non-shy nerd one day! Dreams...

Clearing my throat, I answered in a hesitant voice. “Ehm, I received a call, telling me that I got a job here, and that I should come, so that I could get introduced to this place?”

The lady clasped her hands together excitedly and began talking one mile in an hour.

“Oh, yes! That’s right! You must be Aubrianna Rose, what a wonderful name by the way. Now, here is the thing – our two other workers just quit their job because they both had to move to another town, so at the moment there are only two of us left to manage the shop – only me right now. We are doing fine actually, but we would love to get some new ideas, inspiration and such from some others. Mostly on the baking, and that’s why we thought you two would be perfect”

She said it all so fast, I almost didn’t catch half of it. 

“Oh, I’m sorry, I tend to speak too much too fast. I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Lillian Carter” she said apologetically and shook my hand. I smiled at her, already liking her. She seemed like a really nice and warm person.

The doorbell chimed/jingled (Authors note: what word to use, when a doorbell of a shop makes this cute noise? I have absolutely no idea), indicating, that another person just entered the shop. I looked behind me and saw someone tall enter, but then focused my attention to Lillian before me. But she didn’t look at me – she smiled at something behind me. A bit confused I started to turn around. But before I did, I heard a familiar voice:

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