The dinner -2

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I held back my tears when he slapped me.
He was my cousin,the meanest cousin ever "ZASH WEATHERS "
He always bullied me when he got a chance and I hated it.

"Stacy ?"I hear niall enter the balcony
"Yeah " I say with a low-weak voice holding back my tears.
"You okay ?"niall questions
"Yes "I say,still in a low voice.
He sat beside me"Here,this one's for you,hope you like these "hands me a complete piece of chocolate pastry.
"Thanks alo-"I say but he cuts me off
"Ugh stop being so formalish, we're friends "He laughs
"Okay "I say with a mouthful of pastry
"Please don't mind my way of eating,I'm kinda messy when it comes to eating"i apologise for causing him the inconvenience
"It's alright,i know you love pastries " he replies ever so sweetly with his gorgeous smile and we both start heading to the crowd.

The dinner was all set,there were people all around the house talking to each other, enjoying the company of their friends,relatives or maybe even newly found dinner partner or just a friend.
The melodious music playing around which seems like everyone  here is already enjoying  this .

Everything at the dinner went on very well except the one where ZASH bullied me,he's just a nightmare of my life.

"Thanks for the invite,it was great time in here " Niall's mother thanks us.
"Without you the dinner would've been really boring,thanks for coming,we shall meet again " replies my mother
We all have a final hug and the goodnight wishes,the crowd disappearing in no time.

It's been just half an hour and I'm already missing niall.
I shook my head trying to focus on cleaning the mess.
"Amelia you look tired,go get some rest,me and Stacy will clean this up " says heather
"You sure?" Amelia questions
"Yes mom,get some rest,we will do it " I smile at mom
"Okay,good night " kisses me and Heather before going to sleep .
Her door shuts close and we both get back to work.
"I'll do the dishes,you pick all the garbage and throw it in the bin,then we will go to sleep okay ?"Heather questions
"Okay be real quick I'm sleepy " I reply lazily
"Okay "heather replies and gets to the kitchen to clean the dishes .

Picking up all the plastic papers,wine glasses,left out food,empty juice bottles,etc., i wonder how did niall know that i love pastries?
Who told him ?
"How did he know what I love?"I mumble to myself
"Who Knew what you love?what do you mean?"
Heather stood behind me
"Umm nothing " I say lifting a bag of garbage
"I'll be back" .
I walk towards the end of the street to dispose  the garbage in the big  garbage bin,i walk back home and I feel a shadow behind me,it's dark,i hear heavy footsteps behind but i decide not to look back,i just wanna get home real quick.
Going out alone at the end of the street was a bad idea though.

The shadow getting closer,I hear heavy footsteps behind, making my heart pound a million times faster,sweat dripping from my forehead and i start to run faster but felt an arm grab me by my waist,i try letting out a scream but a hand pressed against my mouth not letting me speak.
The dark figure appeared in front of my eyes and i was almost about to pass out until I heard "sshhh it's me "says niall

"you scared the hell out of me" I say trying to catch my breath while niall bursts out into fits of laughter.
"Not funny " I pout
"I'm sorry,didn't mean to scare you" niall apologises
"Hmm that's fine.
By the way what are  you doing here at this time,isn't it too late to be out ?"
I ask
"Well I don't know,i couldn't sleep .
There's something about this place which I'm curious to know about,i feel like i wanna know everything about this place "he replies
"What do you mean?"I ask him sounding a little puzzled
"Umm how do I explain?
Well I feel like there is something here which I feel has a strong possession over me,like i really don't understand what "he sounds confused as well

"Maybe it's cause you're new here and that's why you can't sleep,you need some time yourself to cope up with the scenario here " I answer back

"Maybe you're right,it's been only four days since we moved in,i'm so stupid to
Say" something over here has got the possession over me "

We both burst out into fits of laughter and suddenly gets startled by a noise,soon revealing Cooper behind us .

"Cooper "i run towards the pony to hug him
"Hey bud,why did come out here"?niall speaks to cooper with  concern

"Maybe he missed me "I say sounding a bit excited.
I feel the warmth of Cooper while I hug him and the softness of his hair on his skin,his coat shinning so bright in the moon light revealing a little horn symbol on his forehead .
"What's this mark ?" I ask pointing towards cooper's forehead
"I have no idea what this is,it only is visible in the moonlight,i wonder what it could be "replies niall with a puzzled look on his face

"Okay ,so let's get going it's getting late" I complain
"Yeah you're right,we should head back home now " he agrees
We make our way back to home and Cooper joining us.
"Bye stay " niall waves at me and I wave back to him.

"Yeah mom good night,i'll get back home tomorrow ,love you "Heather speaks to her mother before and hungs up the call.
Mean while I hear a knock on the door .
It's 1:00 A.M.,i wonder who could be here at this time .
When i open the door,there's nobody out but a small brown box.
I take the box in my hand,shutting the door behind me and open the little brown box.
There was a note in the box which read
" Things which you saw were unreal,real ones are yet to unleash.
Soon get compelled to the reality..xx"

My heart skipped a beat when I read the sentence on the white paper .
I wonder what it meant,
I soon take the note to heather .
"Heather look,someone knocked at the door and they left this note "I show the paper to heather .

"Blank note ?"She questions

"Not a blank note,read what's written " I say

"There's nothing in this white page ,look " Heather holds the paper infront of my face .

"What ?how can this even be possible? "I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Stacy ,you're seeing things which are unreal cause you're probably exhausted,you need sleep and everything in the morning will be fine "She says

I take a clean glance at a paper again but it still remains blank "Maybe you're right I guess am way too exhausted "

"Come on hop in "heather's pats the side beside her on the bed and I sit next to her

"It's so cold " I say while grabbing the pillow towards me

"It is indeed very cold" Heather hugs me from behind and we both fall asleep.

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Note: ignore typo errors

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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