Life Beginning With Strangers

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Life Beginning With Strangers

*Anna's POV*
I closed the door after Kylie left and walked over to my bed. My bed. It didn't looked anything like my bed. It didn't feel like my bed when i sat down on it to go through my bag, but i guess it would have to do. I opened my bag and got out the fragile pictures i still had of my parents, grandma, aunts and uncles, and cousins. I grabbed the picture of my... three uncles, Uncle Bates, Uncle Roger, and Uncle Blue, standing with their wives Aunt Jill, Aunt Margaret, and Aunt Lorie. They all died after a plane crash that my parents didn't want to be shown on the news. I walked over to the dresser and placed their picture on the dresser. I walked back over to my bed and grabbed the picture of my four cousins, Billy, Joel, Patricia, and Gabriella. Billy and Joel were the sons of Uncle Bates and Aunt Jill, Patricia was the daughter of Uncle Roger and Aunt Margaret, and Gabriella was the daughter of Uncle Blue and Aunt Lorie. They all also died in the plane crash with my aunts and uncles. I also placed their picture on the dresser. I then pulled out the picture of my grandma who died from old age and placed her photo on the dresser as well. I never really had a grandpa since both of my grandpas left my dad's mom and my mom's mom. I sat down on my bed and took a deep breath, knowing what photo i would pull out next. I reached in my bag and gripped the picture of my parents in my hand and pulled it out. My mom's beautiful face was smiling. Her high cheekbones and popping green eyes made her look incredible. My dad's handsome face was also smiling with his arm draped across my mom's shoulders. I felt a single tear run down my cheek my quickly wiped it away. Instead of placing their picture on the dresser, i put them right next to my new bed on the nightstand. I turned to my bag and sighed. I grabbed my hairbrush and toothbrush and walked out into the hallway to try and find the bathroom. I started walking to the end of the hallway and ran into Kylie. Kylie asked," Do you need help finding something?" I answered," Um, yes. The bathroom. So i can put my toothbrush and hairbrush in there." Kylie put her arm across my shoulder and explained," Th girls have their own bathroom and the boys have their own. You were about to enter the boy's bathroom and that would not have been good. Especially since Mathew is taking a shower." Mathew? I ignored it and continued to walk with Kylie. "There is only one other girl here. I'm sure she would not be happy sharing a bathroom but she would have to deal with it," Kylie said. We arrived at an open door and Kylie said," Here it is." I turned around and murmured," Thanks." Kylie nodded and walked away. I walked into the bathroom and placed my toothbrush and hairbrush on the sink away from the other products that belong to the 'other girl'. I then remembered my make up kit and i went back to my room to get it then put it on the sink next to my toothbrush and hairbrush. I turned and walked back to my room. I closed my door behind me and sat down on my bed. I wondered why i hadn't seen any of the other kids that were here. I shook my head and continued to pull items from my bag. I grabbed my jackets and coats and walked over to the dresser and placed them on the top drawer. I pulled the rest of my clothes out of my bag and placed them all in the drawers of the dresser. I finished unpacking and then i heard a knock on my door. I walked up to the door and slowly opened it. Kylie stood there and asked," Do you need help unpacking?" "Already done," I replied. Kylie looked down at the ground and said," Oh, well. Dinner will be ready in about a minute." I nodded and Kylie walked away. I closed my door again and i walked over to my bag and grabbed my small mirror out of my bag that my mom gave me. I looked at my reflection int he small handheld mirror. After about a minute, Kylie knocked on my door and said," Dinner's ready." I placed the small mirror on the bed and walked out of my room and downstairs, still not running into any of the other kids. I entered the dining room and finally saw the other kids. There were two boys about my age that seemed to be twins and a little boy that looked to be about five or six. I also saw a girl that seemed about my age as well that dressed somewhat like me too. She wore leggings and a dress but she did not have striped gloves that i wore that were the length from my knuckles to my elbow. I walked over to the empty seat next to the little boy and sat down. Kylie placed a plate of broccoli and salisbury steak in front of me. I picked up my fork and jabbed at the broccoli. I was ready to say grace but it seemed like these strangers were not going to say it, so i said it myself in my head. We ate in silence for a while and then Pablo said," Kids. This is Anna Blue. Why don't you all introduce yourselves?" The little boy next to me tapped my arm. I looked over at him and he said," My name is Frankie. I am six years old." I smiled at him for little kids always made me smile no matter how much pain i was in. One of the boys my age said," My name is Mathew, and this is Gary." Mathew grabbed the other guy's shoulder and they both said in unison," And we're twins." I nodded at them. I was right, they were twins. I looked over at the girl and she said in a quiet, angry tone," Jocelyn." I immediately knew that Jocelyn did not like me. I was used to people not liking me anyway. I took a small bite of salisbury steak and swallowed it. The foster family was talking about how school had been going. I toned them out and thought about nothing in particular. I finally zoned back in when i heard my name. Jocelyn was staring at me angrily. Kylie said," Jocelyn! That is not nice! Say you're sorry this instant!" I had no clue what she had said. Jocelyn must have known that i had no idea what Kylie was talking about because she chuckled and said," The little emo girl didn't hear me anyway." Mathew said," I don't know, Jocelyn. She's kind of cute." Jocelyn rolled her eyes and turned to Kylie and said," Now i have to share a bathroom with her and her room is right next to mine. Not only that, i was the girl of this foster family. I was the special girl and now there is another one and everyone is gonna feel sorry for her and help her out and just throw me on the ground." Jocelyn turned back to me and said," She's a little freak." I heard enough and i threw my fork down on the plate and ran up to my new room. I slammed my door shut and plopped down on my bed. Tears flowed down my face. After my tears somewhat died down, i sat up and decided to write a song about what i was feeling. I loved to write songs to express my true feelings instead of listening to other people's songs about how they felt. I grabbed the notebook that i previously retrieved from my bag and a pen. I laid down on my bed and looked out the window. It had started to rain. I looked back down at the notebook and began to write. I wrote for a while and i sang what i had so far. My face against the window pane. A tear for every drop of rain. I am so lonely and so sad! You're the reason i'm feeling bad! I am so lonely and so sad ! Living in a dream i never had. My face against the window pane. A tear for every drop of rain. I'm living like already i have died. Have died. Emptiness a present past. A silent scream to shatter glass. I have to go it's time for me to fly. I looked at the paper one last time then crumpled it up and threw it. It landed behind the dresser. I sat up on my bed and i suddenly felt angry at my parents for leaving me alone with these strangers. Deep down i knew it was not their fault but i could not stand but think it was their fault. The song was directed toward Jocelyn making me feel bad but then i also felt that my parents made me feel bad leaving me here on this empty world. I grabbed the small hand held mirror and looked at my reflection. I was not always like this, emo i mean. My parents death changed me. I quietly sang the song again and i felt tears approaching. Not tears of sadness but tears of anger instead. Not thinking but letting the anger take over me, i stood up, turned around, and threw the small mirror at the big mirror near the door. The glass of the big mirror shattered. Kylie and everyone else came dashing up to my room. I slammed my back against the wall and slid down until my bottom hit the floor and i let the extremely long flow of tears drip down my face, also smearing my make up. Kylie ran up to me and placed a caring hand on my shoulder. "Why did my parents have to go," i choked out through sobs. Kylie hugged me tightly. I heard Pablo say," Kids. Go to your rooms now." I heard footsteps echo as the other kids walked away to their rooms. Pablo walked up to Kylie and I and hugged us. After a long while, my tears subsided and Kylie and Pablo asked if i was ok. I nodded and they would not believe me making them continue to ask. I insisted that i was done crying for the night, and i was, and they finally believe me and retreated to their bedroom for the night. I shut off my light and laid down in my bed. I pulled the warm covers over my body, not bothering to change into pajamas or brush my teeth because i was so incredibly upset, and fell asleep only to enter a nightmare about the day my parents died from the terrible car crash that i saw happen right in front of my eyes.

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