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*Anna's POV*

I sat down alone at a table at lunch and nibbled at my food. I glanced up and saw Damien coming toward me. I straightened and he placed his right hand on the table and leaned forward and said," I'm coming over tonight so we can work on the project." I looked at him with an 'are you serious?' expression and said," Wow you're rude. I'm not one of your little puppets." Damien said," I wanna get this stupid project done." I scoffed and said," The feeling's mutual." Damien stood up straight and said," I'm coming over." I rolled my eyes, folding my arms over my chest, and said," Psh. Whatever. The sooner we get this project done the sooner i can get away from you and your cocky self." He patted the table with a mocking smile and said," Good." Then he walked away. Gosh i hated him. The only good thing about him is his looks, but his personality is unmistakably terrible. I just ate my lunch and got through the rest of the day.

I heard a knock on the door and i instantly knew who the demon was on the other side of the door. I opened and said," Just come in." Damien stepped into the house and in ran Jocelyn. Damien let out an annoyed sigh. Jocelyn giggled like an idiot and said," Ok, so. I know you are going to work on the project so i'll leave you alone and go upstairs to work on my project with my partner." Jocelyn smiled at Damien, gave me a cold look, and turned around and walked away. Damien mumbled," At least she got a partner she likes." I gave him a very dirty look and said," At least she got a partner that isn't a complete...." i was cut off by Kylie entering the room. Kylie smiled at Damien and said," Well, hello there." Damien nodded with a smile and accepted her outstretched hand and shook it. Kylie turned to me and said," He is a very good looking young man." I scoffed and said," Yeah, that's the only thing good looking about him." Damien rolled his eyes and Kylie gave me a serious look. "That was not nice, Anna," Kylie said. I was sick of her trying to act like my real mom, even though she is always nice to me. But i could not take it anymore so i tried to put it into words that hopefully would not hurt her feelings. "Look. I'm sorry if this makes up upset, i really am, but you're not my mom. And i would feel so much better if you stopped acting like you're my mom. No one can replace my real mom." Kylie looked down. I knew she was hurt, but she replied," I know, Anna, i understand. I will try to let up a bit. No feelings hurt either." She forced a smile and walked away, but i knew she was hurting. I decided to try and make her happy later. I walked into the living room with Damien at my heels. We were silent for a while, just writing down ideas for our project, when Damien suddenly asked," How did you end up here?" I looked up at him, confused. "End up where," i asked. Damien held up his arms and said," Here. Where else, you weirdo?" I rolled my eyes and answered," My grandma died." "But you also mentioned a mother. How did you end up here when your grandma died instead of with your parents?" I shook my head and said," I am not talking about this to anyone. Especially not to someone as heartless as you." Damien said," Hey. I am not as heartless as you think i am, know it all." I tilted my head and said," I am not a know it all." Damien gave me a look that said 'really?'. I began to write more stuff down in my notebook and Damien asked," How did you end up here?" i slammed my hand down on my notebook and said," I flat out just said i didn't wanna talk about my parents and still you are asking me." Damien shrugged with a nod and said," Yeah, pretty much." I scoffed and asked," You really wanna know?" Damien nodded and said," Yeah." I looked down at my notebook and replied," Fine. They died in a car accident right in front of my eyes when i was fourteen. Satisfied?" I picked up my pencil again and started writing again. "I'm sorry about your parents," Damien said. I pressed my pencil so hard against the paper that my pencil broke. I was completely and utterly shocked. My eyes grew wide and i turned to him and asked," Your what?" He looked at me seriously and said," You heard me. I didn't stutter." I placed my notebook and broken pencil down on the coffee table and leaned against the back of the couch and said," Wow. The cocky idiot does have a very tiny twinge of kindness. I'm surprised there is still room in there considering all you seem to love is yourself." Damien rolled his eyes angrily and said," I lost my parents too. So i can kind of understand the pain of it." I scoffed and said," Well, will you look at that? We got something in common. Looks like you got a little bit of 'emo, weirdo' in you." Damien offered me a mocking smile and said," And it looks like you got a little bit of 'cocky idiot' in you." I looked at him angrily and said," Back to the project." Damien chuckled and started writing. I stood up and went into the kitchen to grab another pencil.

*Damien's POV*

Anna got up and went into the kitchen to fetch another pencil. Honestly, i was seeing that she might be just a tad cool. Just a very small tad. Plus, she was confident and brave. I like that in girls. But i would not even think once about dating her. Ew, gosh no. I still very much hate her. And i know she hates me. Good, let's keep it that way so i don't end up ripping her throat out because i can't get a satisfying meal nowadays. She came back into the living room and sat down on the couch and began writing again. I did truly feel sorry about her parents and i could really connect with her about the loss of parents. Although, the way my parents died i really can't share with a mortal. They died from some other vampire clan while protecting me. I wish they didn't protect me and instead let me die. If they didn't protect me, they would be alive right now, not me. Living in this world for a while gets pretty annoying and tiring. I started writing again as well and we sat in silence for a long while. Anna suddenly said," I'm sorry about your parents, too." She then started writing again and i was shocked. "Someone else also has a little kindness in their heart," i said with my famous, perfect smile. She shook her head and continued writing. Anna then said," Well, let's share some of our ideas for the project since yesterday we couldn't agree on a subject." I nodded and Anna asked," Do you want to do it on Mars or another planet?" I made a disgusted face and said," Um, no." Anna sighed annoyed and asked," Do you think you have anything better?" I smiled proudly and said," As a matter of fact, i believe i do." Anna said in a high pitched voice," Cocky." I ignored her and said," We could do the different weather patterns. Like everyday we write down the weather conditions and come to a conclusion at the end about the most frequent weather conditions on Earth." Anna nodded and said," Ok, fine. Let's do your idea." She stood up with her notebook and pencil in hand and headed out the front door to record the first weather condition, which was sunny." She then came back in and placed her notebook and pencil down on the table. I looked at the time on my phone and it was time for me to feed before i went to go have the short meeting with Malcolm that was planned. "Well, i gotta get going," i said as i stood up with my backpack. Anna stood up and said,"Good." She then walked away and went upstairs. I shook my head and placed my things in my backpack and left the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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