First Real Day With the Foster Family

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First Real Day With the Foster Family

*Anna's POV*
"We're almost home sweetie," my mom said to me over the phone. I soon saw the car my mother and father was driving in. A big blue minivan going the speed limit down our street toward our home. Today is going to be a great day I thought o myself. We were going to go out to eat, then to a movie and possibly another one, then shopping for my grandm...a's birthday present and i was promised i would be getting something as well, and out for dinner then coming home and playing a game. At this time i didn't have a little stub, or piercing, under my lip and my hair was just black. It didn't have any purple streaks like it did now and back then i didn't wear make up nor did i wear any "emo" clothes. I waved to my parents who were still driving in the van toward our house. Suddenly, a car came out of no where going way faster than the speed limit and slammed right into my parent's van. The van toppled over and over then finally came to a stop on its hood. "MOM! DAD," i completely screamed at the top of my lungs. People came out of their houses and my neighbors came to stand by me. I tried to run toward my parents but my neighbor held me back. "I have to see them," i yelled as i tried to escape my neighbor's tough grasp. I whispered to my neighbor," I'm sorry about this." My neighbor looked confused but then i elbowed him in the stomach and he collapsed to the ground. "I"m really sorry for doing that," i yelled back to him and i ran as fast as my 14 year old legs would carry me. I reached my parent's van but the other people around my neighborhood refused to let me see my parents but i already saw the blood on the windows and my parent's closed eyes. It was unbearable. I sat down on the ground and balled my eyes out. I sat straight up in bed with sweat beading down my head. I gasped and tried super hard to catch my breath. I've had that nightmare almost every night but i was still waking up terrified. I buried my face in my hands and took deep breaths. I finally laid back down and decided to try and go back to sleep. Eventually, i did fall asleep. I woke up the next morning around noon. It was Sunday and it soon hit me that i would be starting a whole new school tomorrow. I sighed and rolled out of my bed. The taste in my mouth was terrible considering i never brushed my teeth this morning. I changed into different clothes and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Luckily when i got to the bathroom, Jocelyn was not there. I fiercely brushed my teeth and viewed my teeth in the mirror. My teeth were perfect straight and they were bright and shiny white again. The taste in my mouth tasted much, much better as well. I nodded in approval and proceeded to walk downstairs, hoping to find some form of entertainment. I had my head down walking and i ran into one of the twins. I looked up at him and he was much more attractive close up. "Um.....Mathew," i guessed. He shook his head and said," Nah. I'm Gary." I said," Oh, right. Sorry." Gary shook his head with a smile and said," It's all good. You can tell us apart from our hair. We dyed our hair so that hopefully people can distinguish us from each other. My hair is this color." He patted his head of a somewhat brown hair with cream colored highlights. "And his is kind of a redish orangish color." I nodded. Gary looked down at me with his brown eyes and said," Don't worry about Jocelyn. She's kind of self centered and a, well, a brat." I nodded, understanding what he was saying. He stepped aside and said," There's lunch downstairs if you want it. You missed breakfast." "I'm not that fond of breakfast foods anyway," i replied. Gary nodded and said," Well after you eat i could show you around the house some more, if you like." "Sure," i replied, not really caring what i would do today. Gary nodded and walked in the direction of the boy's bathroom. I stepped downstairs and into the kitchen where there was a plate of food. Kylie appeared and said," Good afternoon, Anna. Here's some food." She pushed the plate toward me and i took it. I started to walk into the dining room but Kylie said," You can eat in the living room if you would like. We don't mind. We just eat dinner in the dining room like a family." "Yeah because everyone here is a real biological family," i murmured. Kylie looked instantly hurt. "We try to act as much like a family as we can to give you kids a feeling of what one is like," Kylie said. Gosh what is wrong with me.?These people, except for Jocelyn, were being completely nice to me and i realized i was being a total jerk to them. I just wished she would stopping calling me a kid. I'm 16. That's hardly considered a kid. I sighed and said," I'm sorry." Kylie smiled and said," No need to apologize. I understand what it's like. I was a foster child myself. You went through many rough times. It's normal." I looked down at my plate of food and my stomach growled. Kylie must have heard my stomach because she smiled and said," Go on and eat." I forced a smile and went into the living room. Before i could enter the living room, Pablo showed up with Jocelyn next to him. "Anna," Pablo began. "Jocelyn would like to say something to you." I looked at Jocelyn and she said," I wouldn't like to say. I actually prefer not to." Pablo shot her a warning glance. There was silence for a while until Pablo said," Right now, Jocelyn. Apologize." Jocelyn looked like she really didn't want to. So, even though she didn't like me and i didn't particularly like her, i decided to be the mature one and save us both the trouble. "She doesn't have to apologize. I'm used to it," i said. Jocelyn looked somewhat shocked but more relieved at me and i pushed passed both of them and into the living where Mathew sat. I sat down on the other end of the couch away from Mathew and i heard Pablo say," Jocelyn, what you said was unacceptable. Please try to be nicer. Think back to when you came here and Trisha was mean to you just like you are being to Anna." Jocelyn's bell like voice rang as she replied," But Trisha was adopted so i don't have to put up with her now. It's my turn. I survived Trisha, now Anna can survive with me. Maybe it just means that i'm getting closer to being adopted and getting out of here." I heard footsteps and i guessed that Jocelyn had retreated from th conversation. I picked at the chicken on my plate as Mathew flipped through the different channels. After a long period of awkward silence, Mathew said," You'll get used to hearing Jocelyn talk to him like that. It happens almost everyday." I looked over at him and he asked," Do you know which twin i am?" I nodded and he asked," Which one then?" "Mathew," i replied. "How do you know i'm not Gary," he asked, trying to look mysterious. I answered," Because i already ran into Gary this morning and he told me the secret of telling you two apart." "Dang it, Gary! He makes me mad sometimes," Mathew said. I took a bite of chicken and after i swallowed, i said," Really? It seems you guys get along really well." "Sometimes," Mathew said quickly with a smile. We were silent and i finished eating. I walked into the kitchen and placed my plate in the sink like i used to do at my grandma's old house and walked away but Kylie stopped me by clearing her throat. I turned to look at her and she no longer had bed hair and was no longer in her pajamas. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she had on a new suit. Kylie said," We put our dishes in the dishwasher." She picked my plate out of the sink and placed it in the dishwasher. Kylie then smiled at me and said," Just a heads up, sweetie." Sweetie? No body has called me sweetie since my parents. It made me feel nauseous having someone else calling me that. I just turned and walked up the stairs. I suddenly remembered that Gary offered to show me around. It would actually be nice to know where things are instead of wondering around like a lost puppy. I looked around at the names on the doors looking for Gary's name. I found his room, down the hall from mine, and knocked. There was muffled noises on the other side of the door and then it opened. Gary stood there, wearing fresh clothes, and he smiled. I managed a weak smile and i asked," Do you still wanna show me around?" Gary replied," Yeah." I nodded and he stepped out of his room. We started to slowly walk down the hallway and i asked," So there are a lot of empty rooms here," Gary stuffed his hands in his back pockets and he replied," Yeah. We used to have a lot of other foster kids here. There was Haley, Josh, Jake, Lily, and others. All got adopted." "What about you," i asked curiously. He shrugged and answered," I've had a few interviews. But they wanted to adopt just me. They never considered adopting me and my brother. Yeah, my brother and i fight sometimes but man he's brother and i don't wanna be separated from him." I nodded. Gary showed me all of the rooms and then after the tour was done, he went downstairs to watch tv and i decided to retreat to my room and listen to music. "Hey, Anna," someone called. I turned around and saw cute little Frankie standing there with a smile on his face. I smiled a true smile and bent down. "Hi," i replied. Frankie's smile suddenly faded and when his did, my did as well. "What's wrong," i asked. Frankie looked thoughtfully into my eyes and asked," Anna, are you sad?" I looked down at the floor then back up at him and replied," Yeah, Frankie, I am. I'm just going through a rough time." Frankie nodded and said," I hope you feel better." He reached up and gave me a hug. The gesture startled me but i slowly returned his hug then he dashed off. I stood up and turned around and finally made it to my room. The rest of the day went by rather quickly. Dinner came and i was sitting in the living room watching tv with Mathew, Gary, and Frankie when Kylie called out that it was ready. I sighed, knowing that Jocelyn was probably going to cause me trouble at dinner, and walked into the dining room. We received our food and surprisingly, Jocelyn didn't say a word to me. Probably because whenever she opened her mouth to say something rude about me, Pablo would give her a really scary stare telling her that she better not. I finished eating, went upstairs, brushed my teeth,went to my room, fell asleep, and dreamed about flying through the clouds.

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