Meet The Parents Part 3

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AUTHORS NOTE: sorry for the long wait, I've just been so busy with exams and stuff, hope you like the update!!

*one week later*

(Shawns POV)

*on the phone to his dad*

"hey dad me and beyonce are coming to New York today..... What no i haven't done it yet.... Dad we haven't had sex yet..... Dad c'mon i'm only seventeen... Dad i'm not talking about my sex life right now.... okay dad.. bye... yep... bye see you later"

I cant believe my dad just asked me about about my Sex life! like how embarrassing! have i ever thought about having sex ith beyonce? DUHH!! She soo hot and sexy i think about it all the time!! I wonder if she thinks about it to? Nah she's a lady, ladies don't think like that right? Well I've booked us a hotel, so if anything was going to happen it would happen this weekend.... Hopefully!

*BBM Chat*

Shawn: Hey Bey bey, you ready yet? x

Beyonce: nearly ready, I just need to pack a few things xx

Shawn: well I'm gonna come pick you up now, if you not ready I'll just stay for a while xxx

Beyonce: Okay Shawn see you in a bit :* xxxx

*End Chat*

I got my things together, packed a few condoms, you never know what's gonna happen... I put a Snap back on and went to go get Beyonce

(Beyonce's POV)

Shit! Shawns coming and I look a mess! I need to go clean my self up REAL QUICK. I manage to take a shower and do my hair just before Shawn arrives... Phew....

I hear Shawn talking downstairs.

"Hello Miss Tina, where Beyonce?"

"Hey Shawn, she's upstairs, you can go up there if you want"

"Sure which one is it?"

"The first door on the left"

I heard Shawn's footsteps coming up the stairs *Knock, Knock , door opens'

"Can I come in?"

'Yeah, I'm not ready yet tho...'

I get up from the floor, walked up to Shawn and gave him a hug and a kiss

"So Bey Bey you excited?"

"I'm a lil bit nervous"

"Don't be nervous, it'll be fine"

"I hope so, so anyway where are we staying?"

"I booked us a room in a hotel, if that's alright with you?"

"Yeah, babe that's great!!"

I'm glad he brought us a hotel room, this will be the first time we'll sleep together... Well not together-together like sex or anything, like in the same bed together...

"Bey come here..." Shawn said this really sexually.

I walked over to my bed where he was sitting

"Bey, this is not only a trip for you not meet my father, its a trip where we can really get to know each other " *kisses beyonce on the neck* "if you know what I mean....."

I knew excatly what he meant... *Shawn continues to kiss beyonce on the neck, but gets interrupted by a knock on the door*

"Beyonce can we talk for a minute?"

It was my dad :/

"Yeah sure dad come in."

"Beyon... Oh hello Shawn would you mind giving us some privacy?"

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