(Alicia's Story)

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Hey, i'm Alicia Cortez. I am born and raised in NYC. My dad died before i was born because of a drug over dose, and my mother was and still is abusive towards me.

I guess you all think i'm trying to win the sympathy vote because i have a sob story right? Well i aint, i dont give a shit about my parents!

Let me tell you a story about my mum.

One day my best friend was having a sleep over, i think i was about 6 or 7. So i went to her house and slept over, had a great time too! When it was tome to go home the next day i was waiting.... And waiting. all the other kids had left and i was still waiting.... Waiting. My friend's mum offered to take me home, but i didnt know my way home.... I was 6/7. i ended up sleeping over another night and another night and another. Four days later my mother finally came to pick me up.... She was drunk as hell! We walked all the way home, she couldnt drive. During that walk home she asked me if i had any money, i said no.... She hit me. She asked me again, i said no.... She hit me harder. I was baffled because no one, not one person stopped to say something! they probably though we were playing or something. when we finally got home she started screaming at me, telling me it's my fault SHE never picked me up on time. she always blamed me for shit i never done. she hit me all the time.

Now i have come to trust nor respect any bitch that comes in my way sure i'll try and steal your man like i did with Beyoncé. tbh i just do it for fun. i never really was pregnant... i was just pretending to see how he reacted.... He didnt react very well, oh well.

I dont really respect men either. i have never had a father figure in my life, so i guess you could say i'm "difficult". Thats what the teachers at school always would say about me. i have grown to be independent and not give a shit about anyone or anything... Just Me.

I guess you could say i'm selfish.

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