Meet the Parents part 1

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(Shawns POV)


Beyonce's meeting my mum today, i really hope they can get along!

"MAMA! YOU READY YET?! you women take forever to get ready"

"I'm coming, i'm coming calm down, and if i hear you disrespect women like that again, imma disrespect you"

"sorry Mama, it's just we need to meet beyonce at the restaurant in 10 minutes and i don't want to be late, you know how important she is to me!"

"yes Shawn i know, you cant stop thinking about her blah, blah, blah, you tell me that all the time"

me and my mum have a really close relationship, and i tell her everything and anything. she looks after me and i look after her. i've never asked a girl to meet my mother before, this is the first time my mum has ever met one of my girlfriends.

"okay Mama, get in the car"

*shawn and his mother got in the car, they arrived at the restaurant a little early, they took their seats and waited for beyonce*

"Mama i want you to be real nice to beyonce, i mean real nice!"

"i'm always nice shawn, i'm just gonna be myself and see how it goes"

my Mama is not nice. once we went to a restaurant, my Mama asked for still water, the waitress brought her sparkling. She had us kicked out of the restaurant because she was shouting too loud. the waitress could've easily got her a still water but ohh noo.....

Here comes beyonce. OHH MYY GOODNESS, she looks so beautiful today!

(Beyonce's POV)

i walked into the restaurant. i was wearing a casual summer dress, as it is still kinda summer. i saw shawn walking towards me, i smiled. we hugged and he kissed me on the cheek.

"Hey bey bey, you look stunning!"

"why thank you, you dont look to bad yourself" we both laughed.

"you ready to meet my Mama?"

" *takes a deep breath* i think so"

"well lets go then"

Shawn took my hand and we walked to the table. will she like me? what if she doesnt like me? I'M SO SCARED!! there she is.. shawn looks so much like his mother!!

"Mama this is beyonce, beyonce this is my Mama"

"hi nice to meet you" i said as my sweaty hand shock her soft hand

"hi Beyonce, i'm Gloria, Shawns mother you can call me Mama G if you like.."

her voice is so soft and calm

"can i just call you Gloria?" i didnt feel comfortable calling her 'Mama' just yet

"Sure thats fine"

we all sat down and ordered, there was a long awkward silence, then Gloria Asked me a question

"so Beyonce? tell me about yourself"

"well.. erm.. I am born and raised in Houston, i have one younger sister Solange,i go to St. Mary's School, i'm 16 and i want to become an singer." no one has ever asked me to tell them about myself

"ohh i see" Gloria said. i can feel her staring at me, i'm looking everywhere except in her direction. To be honest she kinda scares me!

*10 minutes later*

our Food has finally come. Thank God! Gloria just kept on asking question after question! i was running put of answers!

After we ate our Dinner Shawn Walked me out to the bus Stop

"Babe i would drive you home but my mum is funny about other people being in the car with her other than me and my brother."

"it's okay Shawn i'll get my mum to pick me up"

"Okay good, So... you like my mum?"

"i do it's just... she's a bit imitating! i could feel her looking at me all the time!"

"she's like that with everyone, you'll get use to it" he grabbed my waist and brought me closer to him

"Okay" Shawn passionately kissed me then he went back into the restaurant

my mum came to pick me up and took me home.

(Shawn's POV)

They seemed to have got along....

"c'mon Mama lets go home"

i didnt ask my Mama if she liked beyonce yet because she looked abit confused, so i'll let her sleep on it. i'll ask her in the morning.

we got home Mama went straight to bed, but i stayed up for a little while

*BBM Chat*

Beyonce: Babe x

Shawn: whats up Bey? xx

Beyonce: are you coming to meet my parents tomorrow? xxx

Shawn: yeah, what time? xxxx

Beyonce: Come to my house around 1pm xxxxx

Shawn: cool, i'll show up in the baggiest trousers, and the most thug looking top LOL xxxxxx

Beyonce: NOOO! come looking smart! you need to impress my dad! when i told him i was dating you he totally FLIPPED out! xxxxxxx

Shawn: Chill, chill, i'm joking i'll come looking smart, and i'm sure your fathers gonna love me! xxxxxxxx

Beyonce: i hope so xxxxxxxxx

Shawn: Bey, I want you to come to New York to meet my father next weekend... xxxxxxxxxx

Beyonce: i would love too! but you'll have to ask my dad, he doesn't like me going to music camp let alone New York xxxxxxxxxxx

Shawn:........ Okay i Will tomorrow xxxxxxxxxxxx

Beyonce: See you later babe xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Shawn: Bye Bey :* xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Beyonce :* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

now i'm really scared! meeting bey's father is gonna be crazy! i just have to be on my best behaviour

please vote and comment i will probably update every other day thanks for reading! i appreciate all the comments!

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