Prom Part 3

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This is continued on for the last chapter/part 2 so if you cant remember whats going on re-read it :)

Kelly's POV*

Prom is in 2days and i'm not sure i have everything i need!! Beyoncé normally keeps me in check, but since we aren't really speaking anymore, i guess i'll have to do thing by myself

I don't mean to be rude to Michelle, it's just that she already know how i feel about them type of people! she'e lucky i haven't told my mum yet! She would go mental!!

I should really speak to both of them. c'mon we've been best friends for how long? and this little thing is gonna ruin our friendship! it's my fault really and i need to fix it!

Beyoncé's POV*

This morning i was actually sick! like i woke up and started puking everywhere. what the hell is wrong with me, maybe it's just the flu. I think i'll just stay at home today. don't want to be getting everybody ill before prom. *runs to the bathroom a throws up*

Michelle's POV*

You know what, i don't like me and Kelly not talking. i mean we're best friends !! i feel like its my fault and the only way to fix it, is if i end stuff with Hazel, thats the only way.

*Text message*

M: i'm sorry, i cant go to prom with you. and i don't think we should hang out anymore. sorry , Michelle x

H: what?! this is not you talking, this is your friends

H: so what are you ashamed?

H:so now you aint replying

H: you know what forget about it, i never liked you in the first place.

I guess i feel a little better, now i feel sorry Hazel! this is probably for the best though.

*at school*

"Kelly look i really need to speak to you"

"What is it Michelle"

"I ended things with Hazel. i didn't like the fact that we weren't talking, so i ended things with her."

"Look Michelle.... wait what you ended things with her?"

"Yeahh, i figured that was the best thing to do. you would talk to me and that made me hate myself"

"Michelle i never meant for it to make you feel this way, it's just you know how i feel about lesbians "

"I know it wasnt in your intentions but it is what it is right?"

"Yeah i guess so. so who you going prom with?"

"I duno, myself probably"

"Michelle i have to go meet Johnson, i hope you find someone to go with"

Kelly's POV*

Ahh well i guess if Michelle's okay with it then thats all good right? i should find her a prom date to make up for it shouldn't i? i'll ask Johnson if any of his friends wants to go with her

Beyoncé's POV*

I have been puking all day!! Its making me wonder, is this really just the flu or am i..... Nahhhhh

"Beyoncé this is ridiculous! how are you being sick all over my brand new rugs!!!"

"I'm sorry mum! i'll clean it up when i feel better"

"Yeah and how long is that gonna take? I don't want my rugs stained! i'll just do it myself. you being this sick is reminding myself of me when i was Pregnant with your sister...... YOU ARENT PREGNANT ARE YOU!!"

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