Back To Shawn

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Thank you to everyone who cast a vote and decided who Beyoncé should go meet first! Hope you enjoy this update!

Beyoncé's POV*

So i chose to go meet Shawn, since i do kinda still love him. I left Harry and Solange with Kelly and Johnson, they dont mind. To be honest, i think i should just forget whatever happened and take him back, become the father to our child, i'm sick of all of this! this fighting, arguing the not talking.. the mini cries to sleep and the cries when i wake up. i miss him

Shawn's POV*

I've gone and fucked things up! What the hell am i gonna do. 2 babies... 2BABIES! FROM DIFFERENT WOMEN! This is not what i hoped for... Believe me!

I still dont believe Alicia's baby is mine, but for now i'll take her word for it. i need to tell bey i'm sorry, i need to tell her i still love her! i'm not sure if she loves me anymore, and if she does, she wont after i tell her this news

Text Message*

S: where are you x

B: i'm on my way

I'm kinda getting butterflies... Like i'm meeting her for the first time, like how i felt when we had our first kiss under this very tree. oh how i miss them days

I dont want her to walk away from me... Not again

Beyoncé's POV*

So i'm meeting Shawn now... i have to say i'm pretty nervous. he said he has to tell me something important. this news can either brake us... We'll never speak again, or it will make us and we'll put all this drama behind us

I'm kinda hoping for the second option

*bey at the park*

I see Shawn, under the tree... Our tree

B: hey

S: Hi Bey! I'm so glad you came! look i got some news to tell you

B:let me say something, you really hurt me and i wasnt sure if i was ever able to trust you again-

S: look Bey i love you, but this news is important and you need to know

B: what has to be so important that you have to cut me off mid speech? thats the problem with you.. You have no patience

S:Bey i'm sorry

B: no Shawn, just say what you gotta say, i gotta go get Solange and Harry

S: you know i love you with all my heart, never forget that! and i never meant to hurt you and i never meant for this to happen

B: what to happen Shawn

S: Alicia... She's pregnant... She says it's mine

B*walks away*

I decided not to say anything, what was i meant to say? 'Congratulations'?!!

The truth is i'm pissed


B: DOING WHAT SHAWN?! The last time i checked i wasnt the one who cheated!


B: what am i meant to do?! You hurt me! And this is just on another level

S: bey i'm sorry

B: no... I dont get it, i have done nothing but love you Shawn.. You hurt me.. I still love you Shawn

S: then we can work things out!

B: i gotta go Shawn

(10mina later)

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