(Kelly and Johnson)

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Johnson's POV*

Kelly? She can be.... Difficult at times with her attitude and bossiness, but then again she can be kind.... But thats very rare.

She likes people to think thats she's all confident and powerful when really she a little soft teddy bear you had in your bed when you were young to protect you from bad nightmares.

But she can be real bitchie sometime.... All the time! She'll get home from a party and call me up and tell me every last piece of gossip she got from the party, and i jut have to listen and act like i'm not tired because i'm such a nice boyfriend :)

I really do love her tho. Her smile. Her laugh. The way she talks when she's angry! i love every thing about her! One day... Maybe... I'll marry her

Kelly's POV*

Tony? Ahh i guess he's alright... he puts up with me which i love. always answers when i call whatever time it may be. tbh i think he's too nice!

One time i told him i was in my period so i didnt want to do anything, next thing i know he's at my door with Chocolate, flowers and a whole load if my favourite foods!

I do think maybe i'm a little harsh on him, but whatever he likes it!

Do i love him? 100% he gets me!

Thank you for reading these little chapters, i havent updated in a while so i thought i just do this for you guys!

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