- C h a p t e r 9 -

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Hey Rom-Cubs,

There's nothing like the taste of chocolate *giggle* I hope you beauties like it.

Here's the ninth installation.




Thanks for all your support. XD


- Ang


Niccolo's Chocolate House

Chapter 9


He'd kissed me?

How could he kiss me ... the very man who'd insulted me in no uncertain terms.

I had been so convinced that Niccolo wanted nothing to do with me but after yesterday, I wasn't so sure. However, after my confession, I don't think that would last. Not that it mattered. I wasn't sure if I still had a job at the restaurant anyway. My financial situation seemed to be getting much worse by the second. How was I supposed to support my papa if I no longer had an adequate income, furthermore a respectable job for that matter?

As I crossed the threshold of the restaurant anxiety filled me, panic even as I was no longer certain if I should even be there. I didn't get much sleep last night after what had occurred last evening. I'd received a call from Niccolo himself from the expensive phone he'd bought me.

At first, I was a bit startled and more so tempted to ignore the call considering I didn't know what to say to him but my better judgement had prevailed prompting me to answer. I could hear his breathing as it vibrated through the earpiece, giving me an involuntary chill. I could sense his anger was still intact.

"H-hello?" At the notion, I failed miserably to hide the tremor in my voice.

"I assume you know who's calling since I'm the only one allowed to call you on this device." His arrogance reigned supreme yet again ever since my run-ins with him began. I had never met a more conceited man in my entire life but I surely wasn't going to tell him that considering he wasn't good with confessions, to begin with.

"Niccolo?" I asked softly.

"Bravo. Why are you whispering?" He seemed riled a bit more than usual, urging me to proceed with caution.

"What?" What in the world was he talking about? A notable silence hung between us as seemed to be the norm where we were concerned.

"Are yo-" Before I could've known what was happening, Tionnè had entered the hall, eyeing me curiously. Though I tried my best to avoid her accusing gaze, there was not much I could do as she had managed to snatch the phone from my hand mischievously before putting the phone on speaker. "You have one week to accept my hand in marriage or I will blacklist you from every business in the state."

The call had ended abruptly, leaving me without answers to my unasked questions. Tionnè had been so frantic, angry even when I'd explained some of the details. I didn't tell her that he'd kissed me, taking into account the story that connected us, Niccolo and I, may not have been the most pleasant and there was no telling what she would think. That and as much as I'd like to deny it, I had deeply enjoyed the kiss considering it was my first and it had been so unexpected, passionate and sweet. I was so confused and not just because I enjoyed our kiss.

I placed my satchel in my locker before grabbing my apron and making my way to the front of the kitchen, grabbing a basin before placing it at one of the chef stations nearer to the dining hall.

I laid out a towel to capture any excess liquid as the cutlery dried, also to ensure that it would be less likely to get contaminated while I used another towel that I would use to wipe them dry. To the basin, I added less than a quarter cup of basic vinegar, enough so that when I added water I was satisfied that I had diluted the solution enough.

To my knowledge, I was the only of the staff to arrive at work this early today other than another of the female wait-staff who usually opened the restaurant. As a result, the kitchen was fiercely quiet. It was unusual for me because I had grown familiar with the bustle of the night shift but it was that time again for me to rotate my shifts.

I busied myself cleaning the silverware though it was almost the most uneventful of the duties a waitress could perform. Suddenly, I felt a breath brush over my right shoulder as a hand caught me at my stomach. I gasped as soft lips pressed into the hook of my neck before consequently nibbling at my tender flesh. My hands pressed against the temperate metal station to steady myself.

What the heck was I doing?

I should be fighting this and yet I couldn't.

There was a certain power over me that I couldn't explain.

I whimpered, causing a deep guttural rumble to resound the room as the nibbling continued. The hands that had fallen to my hips turned me around and I was almost shocked to see Niccolo standing in front of me. He emptied my hands before picking me up like I weighed nothing, moving us away from the basin. I was placed on the station before he nudged my legs apart, stepping between my thighs. My eyes grew even wider as he leaned in towards me, my heart beating at a frantic rate in my chest as our lips connected.

He pulled me closer to him as his calloused hands glided over the sleeves of my long sleeve shirt. He kissed me with such passion, like a man with nothing held back stealing my breath yet again. His warm hand cupped the back of my neck, angling my head to deepen the kiss even further.

How could a man who had been so cruel to me, praise me with such sweet tender kisses?

What's more, how could I melt into him as he did?

Why did I enjoy his kisses so much more than I could ever imagine?

Subconsciously, my hand combed through his thick black hair as he trailed soft kisses from my jaw to neckline, evoking a throaty moan from within my depths as he bit down on my flesh.

"Sarai la mia bella," Niccolo released a deep throaty groan against my neck.

I had absolutely no idea what he'd just said but why did it sound so sexy and why was it so easy to give in to him?

Light reflected within his dark flecks as though to direct my attention to his amazing orbs. His hands held my hips as he lowered me to stand before he dipped his head again to place a light peck against my lips.

He pushed past the door, entering the floor where the guests would dine later on today as I looked on at his receding back, subconsciously touching my bruised lips. It was a fact that before yesterday, I had never been kissed, but as of a few moments ago, I'd never known about a kiss like that.

*END of Chapter Nine*



Italian - English

"Sarai la mia bella," - "You will be my beauty,"

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