- C h a p t e r 40 -

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Ciao Amores,

I've been working on an update erratically for the past two months, if you didn't catch my broadcast. I changed offices and I've been busy like a bee.

My only down time is lunch time and by the time I'm finished eating, it's back to work. When I get home now, I'm so tired, I just want to relax and rest up.

Chronic writer's block is a real pain in the butt.

I really hope you enjoy after the long wait.

Here's the Fortieth Installation of Italian Coffee House.





Niccolò's Chocolate House

Chapter 40


By the time our connection to the call had been severed, my blood was already seething with an unquenchable rage. The tone of her voice played explicitly on my mind. She sounded so withdrawn, almost as though she was ready to accept her fate, and that scared me nearly half-to-death. As if I would allow that.

Ada had to know me well enough by now. To conceive that my wife would consider - even the slightest possibility of me having no qualms - about giving in to such a bizarre request without a second thought, caught me off-guard and troubled me to no end. Especially, when the consequences for non-action could very well result in her untimely demise. Moreover, the inadvertent end of my little ones.

Hadn't she learnt anything from our shared time together? Before Ada, there had been virtually no possibility of me caring for another. Well, maybe not as much as I cared for Krysta, but some how Ada had changed that. All things considered, she had changed everything. Now she was all I thought about!

What on earth did she even hope to accomplish, by demanding that I abandoned all prospects of striking up with those Neanderthals? Sure I was being strong-armed into it, but I would do anything to get her back. If her goal all along, was to provoke them to wrath, I was fairly certain that she has done an exceptional job. Therein, making the chances of her living to see another day, damn near microscopic.

If I thought that making a deal would keep her alive, Ada shouldn't doubt that I would've done that right then and there. Did she have that little faith in me? Had I not proven myself?
Though, after briefly meeting that alley cat Corina, I realized that it was not in our best interest. Not by a long-shot. That vile woman wreaked of desperation. It preceded her when our paths had crossed, that first time, at the wine tasting.

As the scriptures quoted, he who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. That verse had been thrown around a lot in my lesser years. Basically, it means that anyone can learn a lot about a person by the company he keeps. Which lead me to believe that her associates likely didn't possess an ounce of honor among them.

Also, by no means was I ready or willing to risk Ada's life. Not on the half-chance that she might be returned to me unharmed. Precisely, why it was necessary to enlist the aide of Demetrius Salvatore a.k.a The Gardener.

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