- C h a p t e r 31 -

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Ciao Bellezza,

Here's the Thirty-first installation of Italian Coffee House.

Featuring Jan Anderson pronounced "Yan". It's Dutch and a name suggested to me by the lovely heyheyshay.


ENJOY XD. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope you're still with me.



Niccolò's Chocolate House

Chapter 31


He claimed my lips before I could utter another word, or even exhale. His musky scent encompassed me, filling my lungs, making me a lump of mush and positively lightheaded. His fingertips lightly traced my jawline, tilting my head upward to allow for better access. All for something I had no control over. My own heart pulsed like a feral animal, near beating out of my chest. It was so unearthing how much he could affect me with just a simple caress. My body betrayed me becoming his instrument if he so much as hollered. He finally pulled away and I instantly missed his warmth. It was a lot like being caught between Niccolo and a hard place. Gosh, I couldn't even think straight anymore. Pathetic.

He studied me under hooded eyes whilst recovering his breathe. Only then did I come to my senses, feeling overly appalled at our behavior. It was most inconsiderate especially since we were not alone in the room. Regardless how much I wanted us to be at the moment. I suppose there was no preparing for his kisses. They always left me breathless and, more often than not, disoriented.

"I knew it!" Niccolò chimed.

"What?" I began, completely puzzled as his random response. Great, just great. I couldn't even think straight. How could I? That darn kiss had seared a path to my soul. God have mercy on me.

"From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew that you would be the death of me Bella." His words sobered me up, or maybe not. I could've sworn that I saw tears in his eyes, but that would be absurd. Wouldn't it? This was Niccolò we're talking about. He was always calm and collected. The reach of his intimidation knew no bounds. Definitely! I probably wasn't seeing straight after our little escapade. "It seems that I was on to something."

"Nicky," Absently I reached for him, allowing my fingertips to trace his strong chiseled jawline. That is, until he kissed my palm, taking my hand in his. "Are you crying?"

"You've already made me the happiest man in the world twice over." Undeterred by my question, he whispered into my ear. It wasn't long before I understood his meaning, before his tears were contagious. "I love you."

"And I love you," I managed, stifling a sob as I held his gaze.

"Eh hem, it seems you lovebirds forgot that I was in the room." Dr. Henrique's interjected startling us both out of our trance-like state. She winked at us putting my mind at easy about our earlier display. "I must say you are a beautiful couple."

"Thank you," Niccolò and I replied in unison.

"I can't help but think you will make lovely parents." She added and I neared buckled. That has to be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.

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