Chapter 5

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I want to dedicate this chapter to @ BananaBurrito17, for liking my story from day one. And i also want to dedicate this to VampirefangsRule, zacharyspirit , Just_weird_girl and to all my other fans out there, who also liked my story as well :). Please check out their stories because they're worth reading :D

Reread the last 4 chapters to refresh your memory and please read the authors note at the end. Here's a riddle for you guys :). There are thirty cows in the field and twenty eight chickens. Who didn't?

P.s. sorry if there's any mistakes on here. I was in a rush to get this done before Grey's Anatomy came on and who here watches Blood and Oil? Chase Crawford is on the show. Also check out my other stories that I've created as well as my two new ones.


Mia's P.O.V.

"Oh, come on Mia! I could practically feel the tension in the room and I would know because I was in the same room with you two" Charlie said knowingly. Ever since class ended, she's been smiling my way up until lunch time, which brings us to our conversation right now.

"Oooo, tension. Like sexual tension?" Hannah asked, wiggling her eyebrows at us. Charlie nodded her head vigorously.

"They were practically eyeraping each other in front of me" I scoffed at her as I stuffed a fry in my mouth.

"It's funny how you say that, when you were doing the same exact thing to Professor Hastings" I reply back. Her face turning crimson red, knowing it's true.

"Touche my friend. Touche" while stuffing a delicious, cold sundae in her mouth.

"Good afternoon, ladies" a male's voice greeted. I narrowed my eyes at my food, thinking why that voice sounded so familiar.

"Good afternoon, sir" Charlie and Hannah replied back.

Oh, please Lord, tell me it's not him...

"Mind if I join you ladies while I wait for a friend?"Please say no... It could either be:

A) Professor Hastings

B) Professor Knight


C) Professor Levine

I'm silently praying it's option A.

"You certainly may" Hannah replied flirtatiously. As he placed a chair between Charlie and I, I got a whiff of his cologne. It's not too strong, it's just the way I like it.

The same scent... from the same guy... who I've seen a couple hours ago ..and who I've met at club, two days ago..His name-

My thoughts were soon cut off as I felt a warm breath, tickling the inside of my right ear.

Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub.

"You know... it's really rude to ignore your professor" he whispers lowly but seductively.

I gulped, slowly turning my head to face him; his green-blue eyes, never leaving mine as he looks at me intensely. My eyes trailing down to his kissable lips, that is now forming into a smirk.(A/n: Hmm.. i wonder who it is..). Snap out of it Mia! He does not have kissable lips!

Yes, he does! My subconscious countered.



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