Chapter 6 part 1

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Chapter 6 part 1- Last but not least, meet the sexy beast.

Please read the author's note at the end. I rewrote this chapter so many times and lets just say this is an unfinshed chapter and I'm splitting it into two parts... And I'm apologizing ahead of time for any mistakes you find, I didn't get any sleep today and  my flight is tomorrow.


A few gasps emitted through  out the room before it became dead silent. My eyes widening as I placed a hand over my mouth, just staring at the stain in front of me. His white buttoned up shirt, is now colored brown with coffee seeping through it, showing his well defined abdomen. If looks could kill, I would be six feet and under, right now. His face turning pure red from anger with both hands, forming into a tight fist.

"You!" he yells, pointing directly at me.

"What's your name?" My mouth opens but no words seem to come out.

"What? Are you incapable of speaking?" Now it was my turn to glare at him. How dare he speak to me like that.

"My name is Charlie winters, sir" I speak loudly and with confidence.

"Well, Ms. Winters, take a seat, unless you want to throw another cup of hot coffee at someone else" he says before walking down the steps, brushing past me.

Yeah, I want to throw another one at your face. Gosh, that sounds tempting right now. I took a seat and looked over at Mia.

"Now you know how I feel with Professor Knight" she whispers to me. We both made the worst first impressions in front of our professors and it's only the first day.

"I would like to stress-" he emphasizes the word stress while looking directly at me, then looking away.

"A couple things before we begin. Number one! No food allowed in my classroom" looking back at me before making an excuse about how he doesn't want ants in his lecture room.

"Number two! I don't tolerate with students coming in late and trust me, I do remember who's in my class" pointing towards his head, saying "Photographic memory"

"Oh, goody" I mutter sarcastically, making Mia giggle beside me.

"This is a poetry class, so there will be assignments, where you have to create your own poem" A few students groaning here and there.

"And if you don't like it, then GET OUT" He then waited for a few minutes, for people who decided to leave and switch out of his classroom; his eyes meeting mine with one eyebrow raised up. If he thinks I'm going to back down that easily, he is sadly mistaken.

"Alright, everyone! Welcome to my poetry class. Lets start with introductions shall we?" I soon zoned out, focusing on his hot coffee-stained-shirt. Isn't he bothered at all with his shirt being wet. Then I remembered how hot my coffee was, making me groan mentally to myself. Good job, Charlie! You gave him a first degree burn. Possibly a second degree one also."-ters" How was he not screaming in pain?

"MS.WINTERS!" a voice booms, distracting me from my thoughts.

"Do you have problems concentrating in class or are you just deaf? crossing his arms over his chest, looking angrily at me.

"Neither, sir"

"Great, then tell the whole class your likes and dislikes so I can move onto the next student!" his voice rising at every word he just said. I took a deep breath before answering him.

"I like to dance and sing and I dislike people who are a complete asshole towards me"

"NEXT!" moving onto the next victim- I mean student.


"Does anyone have any questions?" All the girls, except for Mia and I, raises their hand while he rest of the guys decided to leave.

"What's your first name?" a girl upfront asks.

"My first name is....none of your damn business but all of you can call me professor Jamison.

"How old are you?"


"Funny, you don't look 80" the third girl upfront replies with a serious tone.

"If you were smart, you would know that I'm dodging personal questions" narrowing his eyes at her.

"Lets get out of here" I whisper to Mia. She nods her head, walking towards the back door with me following behind.


"Home because I came her to learn, not to lose brain cells. And besides, I'm not a thirsty hoe-" pointing towards all the girls that are sitting upfront.

"Like them, who wants to pry into your personal life" turning around and walking towards the door.

"CLASS DISMISSED!  And Ms.Winters? I expect to see you in my office in five minutes!" slamming the front door right after. Mia giving me a sympathetic look, knowing exactly how I feel.


Next update will get a bit steamy, maybe ;). I'm sincerely sorry for making you wait this long and so here's my important news. My parents think it's best if I moved to the Philippines and finished college there. To figure out what I want- career wise- and become independent, mature, start all over, ect.So when they broke the news to me, all I ever thought about was Wattpad . I don't know about you guys but Wattpad is a place I like to go, to escape from reality a bit, relieve stress, and whenever I'm feeling down. I also found out that the new house that I'll be living in does not have wifi yet which makes me super sad because I want to update for all you readers/fans out there and I also want to continue to read and support other authors stories as well. This is NOT a goodbye but more like a see you later; I DO PLAN on finishing ALL FIVE of my stories. Just think of it like this: while I'm gone for a while, I'll be updating on my notebook and whenever I get a chance or when I get wifi connection, you guys will receive updates quicker since I've already prewritten them :) Add this to your library so you don't forget about me :)

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