Chapter 6.

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I looked myself in the mirror. Dark circles were under my eyes and I needed cigarette more often. I know I was growing addicted to it but I couldn't help.


That pretty boy's name was Leo. He was so innocent. Later, when he told me those words I was surprised but then I realised that it wasn't just me. There were more. Rich or poor, there is still going to be a tragic incident in life which may keep you in the bottom.

We must learn to let them go though. Holding grudges and thinking about the past won't do any good, instead it would kill you on the inside.

I've realised that people will come, people will go. But they won't ever know the real you. They wouldn't know what you're feeling inside. Because somewhere deep inside your heart, you're still afraid to open up to anyone. Because you've been hurt more than you-can-count times that you don't even want to trust anyone but nevertheless, sometimes you do it anyway. But that's not it, you hide the pain that kills you and maybe you do it purposely which can be also called suicide. But that is how life works. Rich or poor, there's gonna be pain and hurt. Some will die physically others will emotionally. It's just that, someone has to die.

I huff and shake my head as I walk down the hallway of my school.

Suddenly, when I was about to look up, I crashed on something, or rather someone but I didn't fell. Instead the person who clash onto me did.

It was green eye-I mean Levi.

She crouched down to pick up the paper which flew off her notepad.

I just stood there, looking down at her.

Today her hair was down instead of her regular ponytail and when she stood up and gazed at me, I catch my breath.

She looked beautiful.

Today she applied a little amount of make up. I looked down at her attire. She wore a a black pencil jeans and a white full sleeves shirt which hugged her body showing off her perfect curves. She was full in all the right places. Damn, she was hiding all those things in a baggy shirt. Why today though? I wondered.

I checked her out one last time and had to shake my head to clear off the things I wanted to do to her.

Maybe I am attracted to her.

"Sorry." She giggles, bringing me out of the thoughts and continues, "it's just that I'm very happy today, it's my birthday after all." And then she licks her lips.

I close my eyes one more time. This was not the time to be turned on also after knowing that last time didn't end well.

"Okay." I just nod my head and walk away before I do something I would regret.

She was seducing as fuck without even trying.

I bit my bottom lip and open my locker. Somehow, I couldn't wipe out the image of her from my head. The thought of Leo long gone from my mind.

After closing my locker, I turned around and noticed Albert and his minions were waiting by someone's locker across from mine. Probably to bully them.

But when I see Levi coming towards there, I stop. Don't tell me his going to bully her on her birthday. It was just plain mean.

She stops at the locker where they were standing. I noticed that some guys were looking at her and stealing glances. Of course, why wouldn't they? She just had to look more beautiful than she already was.

Levi was standing with her back towards me. Which gave me the chance to look at her butt. Stop goddamit.

I watched as Albert gulped when his eyes gets locked onto Levi.

LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now