Chapter 16

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Time passed, memories were made. It had been more than a year since Levi started talking to me. Now I smiled more often than ever and I trusted Levi with all my heart....well not really but I did believe her.

I realised that I liked Levi and I wasn't going to deny it and most of all I don't regret it.

I got to know basic things about her. Like her favourite colour was white and she wanted to be a writer. Like how hard she wanted to try even when something was handed to her easily.

Weird right? Well I was used to it by now.

But it wasn't just all those things which made me fall for her.

Few months before I found myself questioning Levi's sudden interest in me and I grew frustrated. I was too damn curious to know about it.

A girl wouldn't just wake up and talk to me right?

But then my mind somehow told me that she was trying to 'Fix' me and Levi surely looked like the type to do so.

I was angry by it. I was angry at the fact that she was trying to 'Fix' me. She didn't want to accept me the way I was.

But that was my mind's assumption.

The truth I was yet to know but I still remember her words when we met up during school and asked her the question.

"Are you trying to 'fix' me?"

My glare was deathly. My hands were turned into a fist and my knuckles were white from the grip. My eyes held fire and I was furious. My heart pounded and I didn't want to lose her just because of the answer I was about to get.

Infact, I didn't want to lose Levi at all.

She looked up at me with those hypnotising green eyes. They were soft which also made me realise the way she handles all my moods and my annoying arguments.

If it was someone else, they would've left me till now.

"Chase, sit down please." She smiles like she always does. Her posture cool and calm.

I do as she says and take a sit beside her.

I look her into the eyes and wait for her answer.

"Breathe out." She says.

I close my eyes and exhale the breath I was holding.

"Good." She grins and I give her the look, still waiting for the answer.

"I'm not trying to fix you Chase. Who am I to do so?-"

When she said that, something in my heart ached. She didn't know how important she had become to me that she wasn't just a no one in my life but I didn't tell her that.

"-Chase, you can't joint a broken glass right? But atleast you can hear the sound when the broken pieces clink to each other.

I'm not trying to fix you at all Chase because one, you're too hard and annoying and stubborn for it. Two, because I'm too lazy for it. But three, because I know I can't and even if I do, I know you won't let me.

Chase, it's you who have to fix yourself, it's you who have to make the sound when the glasses clink and I'm here because I like picking up the broken glasses."

I was confused. This was a 'Writer' side of Levi where she talked with deep meanings to each word. It was rare and it was annoying too because I never get what she says but then again I enjoy it because I get to see another side of her.

When she realised that I didn't get anything what she said, she simply rolls her eyes and says in a simple words,

"I'm not trying to fix you Chase."

I grin at the scowl on her face.

And somehow, I enjoyed being with her. I enjoyed this side of me.

I enjoyed her writer ways because it made me laugh harder than ever to see Levi all professional and shit.

We both knew how childish she was.

I smiled as I thought about Levi during my work.

To be honest, I think about Levi every second and it was driving me nuts.

Levi had started applying a little amount of makeup everyday and I'd like to think the reason was me.

And oh how beautiful she looks everytime I lay my eyes on her. It's actually horrifying to know what that girl could do to me just by applying a small amount of makeup.

We hangout and talk for hours on the phone but I never get the chance to ask her questions about her mysterious way and also about Elene.

And even if I did, I know she wouldn't tell me but I wasn't about to give up.

I wanted to know every single thing about Levi.

Sometimes, Levi questions me about my parents but I always change the subject and somehow Levi understands and doesn't force too much.

I wanted to tell her everything but I wanted her to do the same for me. I wanted us to speak about our past and just pull off the heavy weight from our chest.

I'm just waiting for Levi to spill out hers and I knew that moment I would too. This would mean she actually trusted me and not just in sayings.

I was drawn onto the thought of Levi so much that I didn't notice a familiar grey eyed man standing in front of me with his hands in his pocket and his body covered in Armani suit and a big Limo behind him.


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