Chapter 18

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"Are you mad at me?" She speaks softly and I can't help but look at her face.

Levi was wearing a white dress and boy did she look appetising.

The dress was short but not too short, just at knee length and her hair was down straight. She had also applied red lipstick and earrings were hanging from her ears. She wore white heels too which made her a little heighten.

All in all, my chimpanzees were excited.

I was shirtless when Levi rang the door bell. When I opened it, I thought she would swoon but well, let's just say she just barged in like she owned the house, not even glancing at my abs.

And I'm still shirtless. I can't decide what I should wear for the dinner. Not that I care but I just wanted to match Levi's attire.

Wow, I'm being such a girl rightnow.

And then I realised that I still haven't answered Levi.

Sighing, I face towards her.

"I'm not mad at you Levi." I gave her an assuring smile before turning back to my closet.

"Ugh !! I can't decide what to wear." I groan and sit on the bed and then after seconds turn my face towards Levi who was standing awkwardly in the room.

She was watching me. Her face was fully amused and she was smiling while showing her teeth. Glad to know I was such an entertainment to her.

I rolled my eyes.

"Help me?" I requested and she started walking towards the closet, after shaking her head that is.

But the smile never left her face.

I watched as she fiddled with my clothes and shirts, which were messily tugged in.

Her back was facing me and I had the full view of her sexy naked legs and covered butt.

Yes, I totally wanted to tap that. If I could, I would.

I sound like a playboy rightnow. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Okay, this one is better."

She throws the shirt on my face and claps her hand telling me get changed quickly.

I roll my eyes and just wear my black button down shirt that Levi chose. My jeans weren't the problem and it suited perfectly with the black shirt so I didn't change the pant.

All this time Levi was watching me with the small smile on her face.

I wonder is she always like that or is it just me.

I look myself in the mirror and groan. I looked so so formal in this and trust me I didn't do 'Formals'. I totally looked like someone who is going on a date, with the pretty lady ofcourse.

Now that I think about it, I wonder if I could just ask Levi out. I mean as far as I know there wasn't any guy she liked and been with. Hell, she's with me all the fuckin' time.

But I didn't trust myself around Levi as much as she did.

She plays with my hormones without even knowing and I was myself afraid that I will just use her for my spare time.

I know I wouldn't. I would never do such things to Levi. But as I said I didn't trust myself around her and maybe that was what stopping me.

I look at Levi. She was biting her bottom lips nervously. A blush was present on her face and I immediately realised that she's been checking me out while I was looking in the mirror.

I smirked.

Somehow I really liked the thought of Levi checking me out and I really like when I made her nervous.

It gave me some kind of power, I didn't know what power but it just did.

I started walking towards her but she didn't move from her spot but when she knew I was getting too closer, she starts to move back.

"Um..Chase?" She says nervously and I once again smirk.

Her back hits the wall giving her no more space to move and I walk more closer to her till I am inches away from her.

Instead of putting my hands on either side of her face, I rested them on her hips.

I felt the shiver run down her body and her body getting stiff under my touch.

I seriously liked how I made her feel.

But I wasn't better here too.

Just by placing my hands on her hips made me to want to grab it tightly but somehow I controlled myself.

I look deep in her eyes with my intense gaze. They were so green. My gaze immediately falls on her lips when she licks it.

I wanted nothing more than to kiss her.

I wanted to nuzzle my nose against her neck and take in the perfume she wore.

The desire to hold her against me was growing by every second and I was afraid that I wasn't able to push her away.

I was afraid that I wanted to eat her for the dinner.

I blocked the thoughts which were inappropriate but I wanted to feel her.

Was it too bad?

Was it too bad that I wanted Levi and in every way?

I could hear my heart pounding in my chest and my chimpanzees screaming 'Hallelujah'

"Levi." My voice was surprise for even to myself. It came so enduring and with so much passion that I started doubting my feelings for her.

Levi was surprised at this too and I could almost hear her heartbeat which was beating rapidly.

I was glad to know I wasn't alone.

She bit her lips again and without even thinking I started tracing my fingers on her bottom lip.

God, her lip was so rich.

I pulled her lip out of her teeth which she was biting and I found myself getting hot with every action.

I was goddamn sure the 'Eiffel tower' inside my pants was dancing in excitement.

I watched her eyes which changed from innocent to lust.

She was lusting for me, I thought.

She closed her eyes as she leans on my touch which gave me the feeling she wanted more and I decided that was it.

Just when I lean closer to her lips, the door bell rings.

And I find myself groaning irritably at the disturbance as we both pull away from each other.

Both of our breathing were heavy. A blush crawled up on Levi's cheeks and I smirked like everything was normal but only I and my chimpanzees knew what the truth was.

Instead of avoiding gaze and feeling awkward, we starred at each other for a minute and then burst out laughing as we shook our head.

One thing was clear though, Levi and I we both had something for each other but we were too stubborn to confess.

Maybe because we both were afraid to lose each other.

LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now