Chapter 29

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A month went by quickly but it didn't take a genius to realise what had been missing.

Levi's usual spark.

Yes, she did grin. Yes, she still annoyed me. Yes, she did act stupid just to make me laugh but it was all just for the sake of me.

She may fool everyone with it but she just can't fool me.

Levi, you just can't.

These days I had notice how her hands start to shake and how she puts it behind without anybody noticing it. How the water forms in her eyes but she blinks them back. How she flinches and feels paranoid with every step we take in the halls.

I had somewhere even notice the blood coming out her nose but whenever she realises it, she runs to the bathroom.

I asked her what was wrong but she keeps on giving the silly reasons.

I know Levi wasn't going to tell me anything anytime soon so I did the only thing possible.

I met up with Lee.

We had exchanged the number during the dinner gathering and I called him to meet up with me in Hemilton Park.

He didn't ask any question he just said 'ok' and that's all.

I wonder what goes on in his mind sometimes.

He was sitting on the bench of the park quietly with his hands tugged in his hoodie pocket. He was just observing things.

"Lee." I call once I reach towards him.

He looks at me while I take a seat on the bench.

There was an uncomfortable silence after that which Lee took the opportunity to break.

"Why did you call me here?" He asks. His face showed no emotion and his expression was cold and hard.

"I wanted to talk about Levi."

At this his head snaps to me so quickly, I think I heard something crack in there. He gesrures to 'Go on' with his hand so I do. His expression now slightly curious.

"These days she's bee-"

"Acting all weird?" Lee completes.

"Not really. She acts normal but he-"

"Her hands shake? Her nose bleeds? Water hesitates to flow from her eyes? Trust me Chase Walters I've seen her in worse."

What did he mean by that?

I looked at Lee more carefully this time. Both the siblings were hard to read. They were common in so many ways like Lee had the same eyes as Levi and his hair looked slightly brown in the sunlight and he had the same button like nose.

"Can you tell me?" My eyes pleaded.

I wanted to know everything that Levi was hiding. I wanted to know what was wrong with her.

"Just look at us Chase. Haven't you figured out already?.....we're dead from inside Chase." He yelled quietly.

He didn't show anything on his face but the way his voice cracked told me how much in pain he was.

My eyes soften at this.

Lee was just another messed up teenager in this cruel world.

"I want to know the reason Lee, I want to know why?"

"Because reality is a filthy place to be." He just smirks but his eyes told how much he hated the world. How much he hated himself.

He was just like Levi. He twisted the words and answered.

"What's wrong Lee?" I ask softly and my voice genuinely concerned.

He leaves out the tired sigh.

"Everything is Chase." He replies.

"Explain 'Everything'"

"Levi is beautiful Chase. She is awesome once you get to know her. She is strong from the outside. She will grin like it's her last day in the planet. She will kill you with kindness and I'm so grateful to have a sister like her.

But Chase Levi is not what you think she is. Levi will always want to be alone even if anyone tries to befriend her. Levi is not proud of the things she has done in the past, she isn't proud of the things she's been doing now."

"What has she's been doing?" I ask. I was more than curious this time and also worried.

"Why don't you ask her?"

"She wouldn't say."

Lee looks at me for a moment before he shakes his head.

"You love her, don't you?"

"I do." I agree without hesitating.

He starts laughing humorlessly and I furrow my brows in confusion.

His laugh wasn't real. In fact, it was a mocking one and I couldn't help but get frustrated and annoyed by it.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Don't tell me you're 'Truly' in love with her."

He continues to laugh once he take in the expression on my face which confirmed that I indeed was truly in love with her.

"Woah. Phew, I haven't laughed this much in a long time." He grunts.

"Why the hell did you laugh?" I half yelled and half spoke. If that was even possible.

"Because you just fell in love with the wrong person."

I got frustrated and I got angry. More than angry. Who was he to tell that Levi was the wrong person for me? He didn't know a thing about her and he act like he knows everything.

Everything, my ass!

I start to get up from the bench. Coming here was useless. Lee was just like Levi who wouldn't tell me a thing.

I stopped when I hear him mumble something under his breath.

"What?" I ask

"I said Levi's been overdosing on drugs and pills, goddamn!"

That's when the whole world came crashing down towards me.

LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now