Chapter 12

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"Chase, do you wanna build a sno-oh." She stops once she notices my puffy eyes.

I glare at her but sigh when I meet her soft worried gaze.

I watched her with no emotions as she bit her lips.

I turn around and put my bag inside the locker grabbing the books I needed.

"Chase." It was barely a whisper which came out of her mouth.

"Not now Levi." I shake my head at her and walk away.

I couldn't concentrate on anything which was going on in the class. I couldn't think. I didn't know what to feel. I didn't know what was I feeling but I was sure about one thing,

I was a fuckin' coward.

Have I saved my brother's life that day then this wouln't have been happened.

That was only if I was strong enough to go against my mother.

The bell rang signalling us for break and I didn't want anything but to escape from this world.

"Chase." Levi sits besides me and places her right hand on my arm.

I shiver at the sudden physical contact but don't push her away. It somehow felt....good.

"Look at me Chase." She says softly which made my head turn automatically towards her.

She watches me but doesn't say anything. She looks into my eyes trying to tear the wall I built a long time ago.

After what felt like forever she finally looked away and then stood up. She then forwards her palm at me.

I look at her palm and then at her face, confused.

"C'mon get up." She says.

But I stay right where I was and gave her my best poker face.

She rolls her eyes and then grabs both of my hands and pulls me up- well tries to pull me up but I wouldn't budge.

"God you're so heavy. What do you eat? Iron?" She says breathing heavily after when she gives up.

I smirk.

I get up and walk ahead, my face now amused.

"Hey wait !" She runs after me and meet my pace.

"What." I stop and glare at her.

"Well I've g-got something f-for you." She stutters shyly and looks down at her shoes, her both hands behind her back as her cheeks turn pink.

Was she blushing?

She looks up from her lashes to see my reaction. When she realised that my expression was bore, she rolls her eyes.

But to be honest, I was beyond amused. It's just that I was good at hiding emotions.

It was actually fun watching her like that.

"What Levi?" I say, patiently waiting for her to speak with my left eyebrow up.

"Um...okay It's in my bag which is in my locker, I'll just the bring the bag. Just wait here. Don't go anywhere ok?" She says this much and starts running abnormally to her locker.

I roll my eyes but smile anyway.

"And he smiles too."

I frown and glare at her.

"What now Elene?" I say. I don't know why I was frustrated by her presence. It's not like she did anything to me.

She hurt Levi, my subconcious says but why was I mad? If she hurt Levi then it's their problem. Why was it bothering me?

LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now