Chapter 27

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I ring the bell of her apartment but she takes her own time to open the door.

"Do I know you?" She asks sarcastically before letting me in.

I roll my eyes and enter in.

The hall was very wide but the messiness of it made it look compact.

A wide bean bag was kept just across from TV and books were scattered here and there. Some half eaten packs of chips were thrown on the floor and on the couch sat a small white mouse who was watching the TV.


If this is how her hall looked like, then I don't even want to know about her bedroom.

"Sorry for the mess-" She mumbles and continues, "- my brother just leaves everything scattered here."

I almost forgot that her brother live here too. Well, that explains the mess in the room.

I turn around and spot Levi clearing out few things from the hall so it would look...less messy.


I stop her and walk towards her, standing close to her just by an inch. She looks up at me and her tired, emotionless and empty green orbs make my heart sink lower than the gravity.

This was not at all what I'd expect.

I move my hand to her face and caress her cheek.

"What's wrong Levi." I was myself surprise at how my voice came out, cracking and softer than anything.

"I'm just not feeling well Chase, that's all." She groans and walks to the couch.

She takes the small white mouse in her hand and sits on the couch while tapping the spot besides her, she calls me and I gladly take a sit beside her.

"At least you should've informed me. I was waiting for you." I say and she just shrugs her shoulder and looks ahead, watching the TV.

Something was off about her. Well no, everything was off about her today.

She didn't grin nor did she started a silly conversation with me. There was no sparkle in her eyes and she just looked....tired...and weak. Her hair was a mess too.

She's definitely hiding something from me.

"Levi, spill!" I gave her my best death glare and say sternly.

"Do you really think that glares gonna work on me Chase?" She rudely laughs with no humor and snorts smugly, I narrowed my eyes at this

This wasn't Levi. Levi never had such a smart mouth. Sure, she would comment sarcastically all the time but she was never this cocky.

It annoyed me and I was hot in anger within seconds. What the hell was wrong with her.

I sighed and calm my nerves.

Maybe it was one of that month again where women b- well you get my point.

I look towards her one more time and observed her as she roams her point finger on the small mouse.

I decided to start a normal conversation with her, maybe it could help?

"Is this your pet?" I ask.

"Hm." She replies.

"What's it's name?" I ask again.

"Stuart little." She mutters and tries to hide the blush from the embarrassment. Oh, the irony.

LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now