Chapter Five

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Ten minutes have gone by. Thirty minutes. One hour. One whole hour and Sam isn't here yet. I know he didn't specify a time exactly but I can't deal with this tension. What could he possibly want? I called him just last night. It's Jack, he knows about Jack. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid but either way he's taking too long and I swear he's doing this on purpose to fuck with me; he knows how much I hate waiting for the unknown. I'm sat on the edge of my sofa, chewing my nails - a habit I really need to get out of but that's not exactly on my list of priorites right now - and then I hear a car pulling up outside my house. This is it, and now I get this feeling that maybe I shouldn't have wished for him to arrive so bad because honestly, I want nothing more than to avoid whatever conversation we're about to have.

I let myself relax back into the sofa, trying to appear as calm and collected as I can when I hear the front door open; Sam and I are definitely on close enough terms to just walk into one another's houses by now and I'm so thankful my parents have to work this weekend because I feel like we're gonna need to be alone for whatever he's gonna talk to me about.

"Lee?" His voice reaches me as I hear him taking his shoes off by the front door, I clear my throat before calling back to him that I'm in the lounge. I throw a smile at him as he enters the room, sitting down opposite me before taking his hat off and placing it on the table, ruffling his hair in that cute way he always does. "You gotta stop seeing Jack." Woah, straight to the point clearly.

"Huh? I'm not 'seeing Jack', we hung out once." My eyebrows are knitted together in confusion, I don't even know where he's gotten this idea from, I literally have only spent time with him today. Sam scoffs in response and rolls his eyes, damn that boy is so infuriating sometimes.

"Fuck that, you might have only been with him once but can you honestly tell me you ain't gonna see him again?" I chew my lip and move my eyes from looking at Sam to the ground because I can't lie to him, not when he's being this blunt. I simply shrug my shoulders in response which I can tell stresses him out instantly. "Leah, look. I know how much you like him but he's with someone, yeah? You can't be messin' with that guy trust me, I know what he's like." I can hear the concern in his voice and as I let myself look at him once more, he's leaning forward in his chair and I can tell he's worried.

"What do you mean?" I need clarification, I'm so sure that he's talking about exactly what happened between Jack and I but I want to know for sure. Of course I won't admit it to him but being away from Jack and having Sammy here to talk some sense into me is probably a good thing.

"He ain't loyal. He'll try fuck anyone that's even slightly up for it and hey, I'm not judging the guy but he's got a girl and I don't want you getting caught up in that shit. Not that you will, I know you're better than that but I gotta warn you, it's what I'm here for." At his last sentence he tilts his head to the side and does that signature cheeky grin of his, his dimple prominent on his face and if I wasn't feeling so weighed down by his words I would've commented on how adorable he can be. But the thing is. Sam's words are getting to me because I've already fucked up, I kissed him and now I definitely can't tell Sam because he'll be so disappointed. He thought I was better that that and I honestly I did too.

"You can fuck with any of my other boys; Johnson, Nate, whatever but Gilinsky? You gotta stay clear of him, he'll end up hurting you." Sam shrugs simply and I know he's right, I can't help but giggle at his other suggestions though and I'm sure he found it funny too; just the thought of being with Jack or Nate was completely bizarre but we all tend to joke about it often. "But Lee, please don't see him again. I really don't wanna see you hurt... and also yknow like if Jack hurts you then I gotta hurt Jack and that's not gonna go down well next time I wanna chill with him." Every single time he says something even remotely sweet to me, he's gotta make a joke about it. Not that it bothers me though, I love Sam and the way he handles things; just the perfect balance between serious and silly.

"Okay." I nod firmly. I'll listen to Sam, mainly because he's my best friend and I love him to pieces but also because I know he's good friends with Jack and if he's going so out of his way to stop me from being around that guy then obviously he genuinely believes something bad will come of it. "I won't see him again, I promise." I hold my pinky finger out to link it with his and he does the same to me; something him and I have never really stopped doing ever since we first became friends. He shoots me a thankful smile and I feel proud of myself probably for the first time that day.

"Thank you, thanks so much." He stands up as he speaks, making it obvious that he's got to leave so I stand up in order to walk him to the door. At the door, he places a small kiss on my cheek, something else that has just developed over time, before opening the door. "I'll call you later." He informs me to which I agree before shutting the door behind me, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as I do so.

I can do this, I think to myself, my inner voice full of confidence in my abilities. I can totally not be around Jack anymore, it's not like I'm obsessed with him. Everything will easily fall back into it's normal place and it'll be like this weekend never happened. A ping resounds around the room, startling me slightly before I realise it's my phone - probably Sam telling me something he forgot to mention when he was here, he's always doing that. I unlock the phone and my breath catches in my throat at the text.

From Jack:
hey babygirl! sorry you had to leave so soon, that was sammys fault. anyway, when can i next see you again?xx

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