Chapter Seven

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A/N: I know I've uploaded this chapter once before but it cut off a lot of for some reason so it only had 800 words. That's cool though, here's those words with another 1000+ added on woooo!


The rest of day seemed to go by in an utter blur, I never returned to everyone at the table because I knew they'd ask what was up and I'm in no place to tell them. I hate this already - keeping secrets from my best friends but the thought of telling Jack that I can't do this breaks my heart. It's a lose-lose situation for me and I suppose letting Jack go would be the better out of the two but I've already destroyed every moral I thought I followed by even starting this; my perception of myself is already damaged beyond repair and at least Jack makes that pain go away when he's around. Which is why I'm here at his house, about to knock on his door because I told him I'd come over and I just have to see him, I need him to make me feel better about myself. It's insane really, that the one guy who can make me feel better is the one person that made me feel this way initially.

It doesn't take him more than a minute to open the door to me, his mesmerising cocoa brown eyes staring down at me as soon as he sees me with a small smirk beginning to play on his lips. I smile back at him weakly, trying my best to hide the fact that I've had the roughest day for a long time. I thought seeing him would force all of this to wash away at once but it seems he can't have that effect on me all the time. I'm sure he hasn't noticed that I'm slightly different to how I was earlier on today because after he greets me with open arms, he heads into the house gesturing for me to follow.

Jack stops at the foot of the staircase in his hallway, turning to face me and putting his arms around me, his hands resting on the small of my back. "My parents aren't in again, they work so fucking much. I just figured we could spend some time together y'know, just the two of us." I hum contently, this is what I wanted; to relax with him and have him hold me. I don't think I'll ever get used to how his strong arms feel around me, the closeness I get from just this contact. I'm so deep with this boy, I can't even imagine how hard it'll be to climb back out. "You wanna go upstairs?" I nod my head in response to his question, my body feeling suddenly colder as he takes himself away from me but he locks his fingers into mine as he guides me up the stairs and into his room.

I've never seen Jack's room before, at least not in real life. I've seen it a few times when I've been facetiming Sammy while he was with the guys but thats it. It's nice, I conclude after carefully observing the walls. There's a Nebraska flag on one wall, surrounded by a couple of pictures of him and his family and friends and on the other wall, there's various posters of bands and half naked girls, basically everything you'd expect on a teenage boys wall. I sit down on his bed, letting myself get comfortable.

"I like your room." He lets out a small chuckle at my words and I blush for absolutely no reason, maybe because I made him laugh.

"Thanks, I made it myself." I roll my eyes at his comment, he's a such a loser but it's cute I guess. I smile fondly at him as he laughs slightly at his own stupid joke before he also makes his way towards the bed.

Once he's reached me he gently pushes me backwards so I'm laid on the bed, positioning himself above me but placing both his arms either side of my head so his head is hovering above mine. I watch as he licks his lips the tiniest amount before he pushes his mouth against mine, immediately going in with the tongue this time but it's slow and passionate and I can feel my heartbeat raise as it grows more heated. But he pulls away to soon, making me feel disappointed which I choose to show him through a pout. He ignores it.

"You remember I was annoyed about how Nate was acting with you earlier?" He cocks his head to the side questioningly as I nod my head slowly. "That's why I wanted you to come over tonight. I want to show you that this..." He stops talking briefly to run one of his hands up my torso, letting his touch linger as he trails over my breast and up to my face which he strokes softly. "... is all mine."

Your Dirty Little Secret // J.GWhere stories live. Discover now