Chapter 8: Together We'll Move On

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"Jack, I'm so sorry. I didn't think she'd be there and I know we haven't had a chance to talk about it yet... I'm just really sorry," Alex said to me after the commotion of the day ended.

I wasn't too productive that day in the studio and barely got anything done. I couldn't stop thinking about Lisa, mostly because she was there watching everything we were doing.

Everyone left, including her, and Alex had convinced me to come home with him again so we could talk. We sat in his living room to talk but I hadn't spoken a word yet.

"Jack, babe, please say something. What are you thinking right now?"

I looked down at my hands, my fingers twisted together and untwisted nervously. "I just.." I couldn't figure out how to express how I was feeling. I wasn't mad... Just sad? I guess? I didn't know.

He took my hand into his and lightly rubbed circles into the top as I gathered my thoughts. He didn't press me any further to speak but eventually I did anyways.

"I feel selfish." I concluded.

"Selfish?" I nodded. "How?"

"Its just, you have a girlfriend that you can freely be with and I'm basically asking you to throw that away so we can secretly be together." I sighed, "It's selfish of me."

"Wha- No..." He said, "Jack I want this.. Just as much as you do."

"But it's so difficult and hard to sneak around and I don't think we'll ever be able to really be together. It'll always be a secret."

"It's worth it though. I'll do whatever it takes to be with you. Even if that's keeping it a secret," Alex told me. His heart shone in his eyes.

I sighed and looked down, "People will find out eventually. And shit will get hard."

"Shits already hard."

"Well it'll get harder."

"They don't have to find out. We can cover it up."

"How? You don't break up with Lisa and use her for the cover up? You'd still have to be with her Alex."

"Yeah but then people wouldn't find out about us. And it's not like I love her anymore. It wouldn't be real on my end."

"Wait you really want to use her as a cover up?" I questioned, having only mentioned it because I thought it was unrealistic.

He shrugged indifferently, "It would work."

"But, what if you, like, fall back in love with her and just forgot about me?"

He laughed, "Babe that would never happen."


"I promise."

I paused a moment. If what he was suggesting was actually an option would it actually work? People would forget about Jalex because Alex had a girlfriend? I didn't know how that would go over but I came to the conclusion that if we were going to do this, it would be better to have some sort of cover up. And if I could get over my jealous ways and horrible predictions of the future, it just might work.

"So you really want to do that?" I asked him one more time.

"I don't want to," Alex frowned, "But if it's what we have to do to keep the secret then yes. I'll do it."

"Okay," I said, finalizing the agreement. I felt kind of dirty on the inside, playing Lisa like this, but I pushed it away because this was what we wanted.

I forgot about it almost completely when he pulled me into him and reminded me, once again, that he loved me and always would.

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