Chapter 14: A Sinking Feeling

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Things go so quick and you don't even see it coming. After the episode of silent library we were back on tour to promote our album. This tour was fucking amazing. Alex and I didn't have to hide as much and it was really nice to know our friends, and eventually crew, supported us.

We were on the road for quite a while. Cassadee even joined us for a small period of time. Rian had really missed her.

Being away from our families was hard but worth it. The experience was so rewarding that missing a few holidays wasn't too bad. There were many more to come.

I remember we were on tour during thanksgiving time and we couldn't go back home so the band and crew all came together and had a tour family thanksgiving meal in this small hotel room. We were all away from home but at the same time we all really were home.

I spent most of my time with Alex of course. It was kind of like our first thanksgiving as a real couple, in secret. We could sit close or kiss in front of our friends at this point. We hadn't had that for 7 or so years.

Now given they'd tell us to get a room after a while, but that was to be expected. It was still amazing.

After that wonderful holiday we all made it home by Christmas. By that point the tour was over and it was well past Alex's birthday, which we'd thoroughly celebrated while on tour.

Since the thanksgiving was such a big hit everyone wanted to get back together again while we were at home and have a little Christmas party too, only this time Alex and I couldn't be a couple because Lisa would be attending.

It bummed me out but I knew it was for the best. I just had to keep a positive mind set over the whole thing and it would be okay.

The party type thing was on Christmas Eve.

Everyone drank a little and we all talked and laughed and reminisced about the tour.

Cass was seated on Rian's lap on the floor near the small fireplace, Zack was next to his girlfriend at the time, and Alex was seated in between Lisa and I on the couch near the fireplace. Everyone else was scattered around us.

"Jeez guys!" Lisa said after another great story was finished, "You all have so much fun on tour! I was I could go with you."

"I went." Cass said.

"Oh my gosh! Alex, babe, do you think I could go too?" She asked excitedly.

Thanks Cass.

"Um..." Alex looked over at me, I shrugged, "I don't know Lis... I, maybe."

"Oh my gosh! That would be so much fun! Don't you think, Alex!? I mean, we wouldn't have to be away from each other for all that time!"

"Yeah," he muttered half-heartedly. Around the room everyone kind of gave us looks of sympathy. Tour was like all we had now.

Cass looked at me and told me she was sorry without saying a word. I just shrugged it off and picked up one of Alex's shoelaces, his feet were draped over me, and twisted it in my fingers.

It didn't matter. I guess she could take tour from us too.

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