Chapter 9: I'm Happy, If You're Happy

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  "I cannot believe it's already finished," Alex said, staring at the fresh box filled with our new album, Nothing Personal, "It feels like we were just starting it."

"I know... It's unreal." Rian agreed. 

It'd taken a bit of time but we finally finished it. All the songs were great and I was really happy everyone was finally getting to hear them. We'd worked really hard and it paid off handsomely. 

Alex was super happy about it. He'd had a really good feeling about this one and if he was happy then I was happy. That's just kind of how we worked these days. 

Our relationship was as strong as ever, despite that it was secret. We'd kept seeing each other and dating behind everyone's back. No one even suspected, at least I didn't think so. 

"It was like just yesterday we were about to go on stage for the first time," Alex said, smiling nostalgically at the three of us. We all hummed in agreement. "That was a good night." 

"Yeah." I wrapped my arms around Zack and Rian's shoulders. "I think we need to celebrate. Let's go get drunk!"

They all laughed at me a little but eventually agreed. Alex gathered our whole crew and we all went to a nearby bar/club place. Everyone sat at one of those round tables and I bought the first round of shots then Alex bought the next, then Rian the next, and Zack the next. 

After that I just drank whatever was handed to me. One by one people got up to dance or find someone to get with. Eventually it was just Alex and I left. 

"You know what? We need to do another tour!" I yelled excitedly, even though he was right next to me.

"Yes! I miss the road so much, man!"

"Yeah... Do you wanna dance?" I asked, changing the topic for no reason. 

"Let's do it!" Alex cried, standing up and pulling me out to the crowded dance floor. I stumbled along after him, my coordination wasn't too great when I was drunk. 

Alex stopped in the middle and pressed his back to my front. I chuckled and put my hands on his hips as he grinded against me. It was pretty risky but I didn't really care. Everyone knew Alex and I did stuff like this sometimes, they just didn't know we were serious, plus I didn't see anyone near us anyways. 

Alex turned his head and smiled at me. I wanted to kiss him really bad. I knew it was wrong and that I shouldn't in public but that just made it much more exciting. So I moved in and pressed a sloppy kiss to his perfect lips. 

He kissed back immediately, only breaking away for a moment so he could turn around and put his arms around my neck. I wasn't sure which one of us deepened the kiss but it happened somehow. My tongue explored his mouth with sloppy drunk expertise. 

Our mouths broke apart at the same time as we panted for air. He was such a good kisser. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I pecked his lips again and we went back to dancing like crazy idiots. 

Out of the corner of my eye I could've sworn I'd seen Rian looking at us from across the room. I hoped he didn't see everything that happened, but if he did I'm sure he wouldn't remember it in the morning anyways.

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