Chapter 20

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I opened my eyes to nothing but darkness. I looked around but still saw nothing.
'Ivy?' I called out to her. Nothing. They better not have taken away my wolf. I just got her.
Just then I saw a little light. I squinted to see it better. The little light then grew bigger and I was blinded.
"Ah. You're awake," a familiar voice said.
"Who are you? Where am I? Where's Mae?" I asked. I had almost forgotten about Mae. They better not have hurt her.
"Mae's back with the rest of the pack. She's safe. But you aren't," he said. I saw a little figure run up to the taller one.
"Janson!" She yelled. My eyes widened.
"Janson! Please let me go!" I begged.
"No. You killed my mate. Now I'm going to kill you and Dylan will feel my pain," Janson said.
"It wasn't me! Janson, it was the evil wolf who was killed by Ivy! Her name was Victoria!" I yelled. A flash of recognition appeared in Janson's eyes.
"Why is the Luna tied up?" The little girl asked.
"She's not your Luna, Aspen!" Janson yelled. I narrowed my eyes at Janson.
"Don't yell at her!" I yelled, a bit of my Luna voice coming through.
"Yes, Luna. No wait," Janson said, shaking his head.
"You just called her Luna," Aspen whispered.
"Get the fuck out! Now!" Janson yelled. Aspen whimpered and ran out the room.
"Why did you yell at her like that? She's just a little girl!" I scolded.
Janson grabbed me by my throat.
"I can do whatever the fuck I want. Don't tell me what to do, cow," he said. My eyes started tearing up at that name.
'Don't cry. Get angry' Ivy said.
'Ivy you're okay!' I said back.
'For now. But I need you to get angry at him. If you do I will be able to fully take control and get us out of here' she said.
'Have you talked to Dylan? Is he okay?' I asked.
'I don't know. We'll try in a minute. Now get angry.'
I did as was told. I thought of all the names and tormenting Chloe did to me. I thought of every single name Chloe called me. I thought of Janson calling me a cow, just a minute ago. I thought of how he tore me away from my mate. That seemed to do it because I was shaking with rage now.
"Y-your eyes," Janson said, scooting back. I broke the rope binding my hands together.
"Run," Ivy said. Janson didn't hesitate. He booked it out the door. Ivy shifted and we ran out too.


I had no idea where we were. Nothing looked familiar. Maybe if we got outside I would know.
'Dylan' I mind linked.
'Ivy?' He asked.
'Yes it's me. We're okay.'
'Where are you?'
'I don't know. In some building. I'm almost outside just give me a second.'
'Ivy, if you concentrate on your surroundings you can mind link me what everything looks like. It's like a picture' he said. I focused on what everything looked like. From the cold stone ground to the stone covered walls. Every crack and spiderweb.
'Got it. I'm coming' Dylan said. I was determined to get out of here alive.
We finally made it outside. I looked up and noticed it was night. I wanted to howl at the full moon but didn't. Wait it's the full moon. More power. I stopped and faced the wolves who were chasing me.
'Ivy, what are you doing?' Jane asked.
'Just trust me' I said.
One of the wolves stepped forward and I concentrated hard on him. I flicked my eyes to a tree and he went flying.


"Ivy has made contact with me. They're alive and have escaped. They're at the old castle. Go! Now!" I ordered.
"Yes alpha," the guards and trackers said.
"I'm coming, Jane," I said out loud. I started running outside when I heard a small voice call my name. I stopped and turned around.
"Yes, Michael?" I asked.
"It's Mae," he said, before running off. I followed him.
When I got into the room, Mae was standing there, facing the mirror. Her small hand was on the mirror and her eyes were violet.
I carefully walked over to her.
"Mae? Sweetheart, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Dylan. Hurry. I'm surrounded. I'm close. By the east border," Mae said. Although I have a feeling it's Ivy.
'Get to the east border! Now!' I shouted through the link.
"Okay. I've got some going. I'll be there too. Just leave Mae alone," I said. With that Mae's original eye color came back and she almost fell. I got her before she made contact with the floor. I put her back in her bed and turned to Michael.
"Keep her safe." Michael nodded.
I booked it out of the pack house and to the east border. I shifted and ran harder than ever. I could smell Jane's scent.
'She's close' Axel said. Just then a rogue flew into a tree beside me. I turned toward it and growled but realized it didn't have a pulse. I ran a little bit further and saw Jane. My beautiful mate. I held her gaze then ran toward her.


"Dylan, I told you I'm fine!" I said for the hundredth time.
"You were drugged and taken away from me. You are not fine!" He said. I rolled my eyes. Stupid protective mate.
"I heard that," Dylan said. 
"Good," I said, sticking my tongue out. Dylan stared at my lips then kissed me.
"I missed you so much," he said.
"I missed you too." I kissed him again.
Things got a little more heated. Next thing I know, Dylan is taking off his shirt. I stared at his gorgeous body. Then realized I'd have to take my shirt off. Dylan started to try to take me shirt off. I stopped him.
"What's wrong? We don't have to," Dylan said.
"It's just. I don't want you to see my body," I said.
"Jane, you'll always be beautiful to me. No matter what. I love you for you. If you don't want to do this then we don't have to," he said. I looked at his face. Into his eyes. I saw love and lust.
"Just don't be disgusted," I said.
"Jane, I wouldn't be disgusted. Ever."
I gave Dylan a nod and he slipped off my shirt. I had my eyes closed, afraid of seeing his reaction. He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds so I opened my eyes. His eyes were tearing up.
"Jane, you're absolutely beautiful," he said. I felt my face get hot and Dylan kissed me.
"I love you. Forever and always," Dylan said.
"I love you too," I said back.
That night, we completed the mating process and made our wolves super happy.

That's the end! I'll be writing an epilogue so don't worry! Guys this book has been a major success. I honestly didn't think I'd get this many reads or votes. I was kind of iffy on this book. But it's been great! Could you guys read my other book? It's called For Sale. Please? Thanks guys. Love y'all😋💕

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