Chapter 20

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***Cats POV

When we reach Cali, we had to buy Mae a ticket to Wisconsin so she could go home and finish school. Poor Jake.

***Maes POV

I grab my ticket and say my goodbyes. The only one I

dreading is Jake. My boyfriend in which has to stay here in California while I return home to Wisconsin.

"Dont go..." Jake said into my hair as we hug goodbye.

I sigh, "Jake you know we can't do long distance. And I have to finish school so I can't stay here."

"What are you saying?" he asks in a whisper.

I choke out, "goodbye jake," and kiss his cheeks I board the plane."

***Cats POV

Ash seems happy. He gets to see Hayley so thats cool. Mae broke up with Jake so I doubt he's ecstatic to be home. CC is already drunk and it not even 5 yet, and Jinxx left with Sammi already to their house. Andy is well...the same as earlier. We all decided to take a week break for settling back in until the funeral then we start recording again.

Everyone hugs goodbye until the funeral and Andy, Jake, and I leave for our house.

My new house. I smile.

Our house.



Carlos left with Mae. Unfortunately he decided it was time to say goodbye as the BVB bus driver so he could stay home with mom.

Im glad she's happy again.

Jake moped around in the limo we took to the house. He drank a glass of whiskey on the way. As did Andy. Finally we get to the house and my breath is literally taken away.

"Oh. My. God!" I said astonished.

Andy gives a low chuckle and we go inside the beautiful house.

I open the door to my future an a man and a woman are I side on the staircase. It took me a sitting second but eventually my fangirl side took over and realized that these two people are the most significant people I will ever meet in my life.

The reason of Andys existence.

His parents.

"Chris and Amy?" I ask excited.

Amy gives a half smile as Andy and Jake walk in with our bags.

"," Andy said dropping the luggage and wrapping them in a huge hug.

They wipe their years and Chris said, "welcome home son. Everything is going to be okay."

"We missed you so much," Amy sighed.

Andy nodded, "I just can't believe grandpa...jeez."

Everyone is silent for a moment then Amy said, "nice to see you again Jake."

"Awe I missed you guys," he said hugging them.

"Mom..Dad," Andy said wrapping an arm around my waist, "meet my fiancé, Catarina."

I smile and give a small wave, "it's nice to finally meet you guys."

"Well..she's beautiful hunny!" Amy said hugging me.

"Awe that's nice of you to say. Thanks Amy," I smiled.

"No no were going to be family soon, call me mom," she laughed with Chris.

Chris said, "and dad."

"We okay," I chuckled.

Chris hugs me and in a split second I'm all of a sudden sick.

Unable to find the bathroom, I sprint to the nearest sink and throw up into it.

Andy runs in and grabs my hair as I spit up the small amount of vile that's left in the back of my throat, "poor thing," his mother whispers from the next room.

"Plane anxiety," Andy sighed.

Amy asked, "plane anxiety?"

I nod with my head in the sink.

"Why don't you go take a cold shower Hun, third door to your left on the second floor," Chris stated nicely.

"Yeah thank you. Sorry it had to be like this meeting you.." I nod dragging my feet upstairs knowing I've just embarrassed myself in front of Andy's parents.

***Skys POV

The jury kept the verdict over night. Long. Ass. Decision.

We got the call around 3 pm the next day to come back finally.

"The verdict is in," Judge Riley said as my heart races.

This is it.

"The jury finds the defendant..."

Please god. This is all ill ever ask of you.

"Guilty," judge Riley says bluntly.

Oh my god.

"YES!" I scream with a fist pumped in the air as years pour down my face like a faucet along with my mothers.

"Mr. Alcoa will be sentenced to 40 years in prison for the death of Christopher Alcoa. As well as Mr. John Greene, who will be sentenced to 2 years in county jail for not reporting the incident instantaneously," the judge said.

"WHAT?!" Mr. Greene yells angrily, "get off me!"

The cops handcuff Mr. Greene and dad runs up to me.

"THIS IS ALL OF YOUR FAULT! YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU SELFISH PRICK!" He screamed and then backhanded me.

The crowd gasps as I just stand there and cops jump on him to handcuff him.

"DONT COME BACK TO FLORIDA! WHEN I COME OUT YOURE DEAD! YOU HEAR ME, D E A D, DEAD!" He yells back angrily as he's being taken away.

"It's over mom," I said hugging her, "it's finally over."

Now Christopher is justified and can really rest in peace.

***Claires POV

I step out of the bathroom and sit on my bed holding the pregnancy test.

One more minute of waiting. Please, please. PLEASE.

I fall onto my back and think about Mia. All the way in California. How could I think she was a mistake? That's my baby.

Quickly I look at the test hopeful and smile. Double pink lines.

I'm pregnant.

"Yes.." I whisper to myself happily.

Sky calls and I answer, "how'd it go?"

"40 years in prison," he said sounding the happiest he's ever sounded.

"OH My god SKY BABY THATS GREAT!" I said happily.

"I love you baby, I gotta go I'm so tired," he said.

"Get some sleep, I love you too." I said hanging up.

I'll surprise him tomorrow when he gets home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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